Chapter 24

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   Jack and I arrived at the office and went to the circle table to meet up with the rest of the team. We heard Morgan talking to Hotch but they didn't notice we had entered the room.

   "Well the young couple are not gonna like that." Morgan stated.

   "1. were not a couple and 2. what are we not gonna like." I asked

   "Jack will be going into a robbed bank. He was a teammate to the robber several years ago." I began to panic. He was gonna be in the line of fire. I tried not to show it to the others but I know Jack will see that I'm panicked.

   "He can do it. The chances of him being shot are low but since he knows the robber it raises the chances up a tad." I said as confidently as I could.

   "Maddie, you will have to be in his ear because he thinks Jack is someone he is not. A genius like him. "Hotch said.

   "His name is Jason Anderson, and the person he thinks is a genius is my friend who passed. Andrew Colvin." Jack started putting the pieces together.

   "So basically he remembers Jack as Andrew but he doesn't remember Andrew himself?" I said

   "Yep. Well let's get this show on a roll." Jack said, squeezing my hand that was in my lap in reassurance. I nodded.

   We arrived at the scene. Jack and I put our earpieces in our ears. We looked around and I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

   "You better make it out of there." I said.

   "I promise" Jack stated.

   "Don't make promises you can't keep."

  "I'm not. I will make it back to you Maddie. We will then deal with our parental issues and tell them about our relationship. Then we will date publicly. Someday get married and have so many kids." I smiled at his reply. He saw a future with me. I kissed him one last time before going back to the team.

   "Are you two ready for this?" Hotch asked.

  "Yep." Jack and I said in unison.

  I zoned out as Hotch was explaining to Jack what to do. I know it must be hard for him to send his son there but we both know that Jack was 100% capable of doing it or he wouldn't send him there.

   He hugged me and the team just in case this went wrong. I really wanted to kiss him but it wasn't the right time to reveal our relationship.

  Watching him walk towards the door killed me. This could be the last time I saw him. I didn't want it to be. We have a huge future planned for each other, with each other. I analyzed him possibly one last time.

  He walked into the building and my heart sank into my stomach. I felt sick. I know I had to be shaking because my father grabbed my hand.

  "He will be alright." he said trying to persuade not only me but himself.

   I then heard Jack speak

   "Jason, It's me, Jack. Remember me?"

   "No. No. You're not jack."

   "Yes I am." Jack spoke confidently

   "If you are Jack then what are the first 10 elements on the periodic table?"

   "Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, and Neon." I spoke and Jack repeated.

   "Ok any smart person would know that. Umm Jack liked History so tell me the U.S. Constitution's Preamble."

   "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." I said, very slow so Jack was able to repeat me.

   "Ok, I'm starting to believe you."

   I got distracted by everyone losing connection from their earpiece. They were on a different network. Morgan went to check and see if they could fix it so everyone relied on me to keep them updated.

   "When was the war of 1812?" I heard Jason ask. Bringing me back into the conversation.

   "June 18 of 1812 to February 18 of 1815." I spoke but Jack misheard.

   "February 18, 1816" he said it and my eyes instantly grew wide.

   "NO! ITS 1815 NOT 16!!" I shouted but it was too late.

   "You're not Jack! Jack would know it ended at 15 not 16!" Jason said, very angry.

   "Jason put the gun down." I heard Jack say calmly. I began to freak out and the team began to notice. My head was spinning. I put my hands on my head then let them down

   "Get out of there! Jack, Get out of there now!" I shouted. I was too late. Gunshots rang through the air.

   "JACK!" I yelled.

   "Jack, answer me dang it!" I yelled while Hotch called the SWAT team off until we were sure Jack was shot.

   "Ti Amo" I heard Jack say strongly. He wasn't shot.

   "Thank God" I sighed in relief which calmed the panicked team.

    "Jason, Please put the gun down." I heard Jack say.

   "Ok, I'll use this instead." Jason yelled.

   "Jason, No don't. Dont do this. I got a girl and a family to get back to please." Jack said, hoping he would not do whatever Jason was gonna do. Jack would only play that card unless he had to. So something serious was going on.

   "Jack, what's going on in there?"

    "I love you Maddie! I love you Dad! I'll tell mom you love her. I love the rest of you as well!"

    "Jack! No you are not about to die! What is going on in there?"

   I began to freak out the team.

   "You are not about to see your mother! Jack? Jack?"

   The mention of Hotch's dead wife got his attention.

   "Maddie what is going on in there?" Hotch asked

   "I don't know? He is saying he loves all of us."

   "Jack, what is going on in there?"

     I looked away from the building and looked at Hotch.


    Next thing I know a huge explosion happened, the building became engulfed with flames.

A/n: Haha bet you didn't expect that!! The building has exploded! What will happen next? How will Maddie react? Stay tuned for next chapter 😊❤️

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Thank you! It means so much that this story hit 2.2k today (I wrote this a week ago)! It hasn't even been 5 months yet! It's so surprising how well this book has done so far! Especially since I never expected to get more than a hundred reads so THANK YOU!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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