Chapter 43

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    It was now New Year's Eve. Hotch and Emily have been married for several months now, JJ and Reid are engaged. Normality felt nice on us.

   Jack and I got tickets to the city of love, Paris, for New Years. We wanted the photos and the experience of the love city.

   Jack had gotten us into a fancy restaurant, it was beautiful. There were red petals leading us to the table and on the table there was a message written in french on the plate.

   I looked at him, tears were building up in my eyes.

   "Read it, Maddie," He whispered.

   The writing on the plate said: Amour, veux-tu m'épouser? (Love, will you marry me?).

   I turned back around tears threatening to spill at any second to Jack, kneeling with a beautiful ring. My dream engagement ring was in the red velvet box.

   "Madeline Diana Reid, I have loved you since we first met each other all those years ago. I have loved you since I ran into you at the coffee shop. You are my rock, caregiver, and lover. Without you I have no clue how to breathe, think, live. I need a life with you Madeline. So what do you say Madeline. Are you ready to become a Hotchner? Will you marry me?" Jack heartedly spoke.

   I was left speechless, dumbfounded by his words. I just nodded and brought him into my arms, embracing him. I look up to see him grinning ear to ear. This man is mine, my one and only. Now, we have to tell the team.


   "So, who all knows about the engagement?" I asked.

   "Henry, Dad, Spencer, and Rossi. I didnt even tell Rossi, he just knew." We both didn't say a word, then looked at eachother.

   "It was his Italian super powers" We both laughed, looking at each other. Preparing for the long flight home.

   "I love you Mads." He whispered.

   "I love you Jack." I smiled.


   Once we got off the plane we prepared for the squeals and shrieks from the girls. Once we arrived at the BAU we instantly walked over to the team.

  "So, Mrs. Reid, How was your trip to paris?" The intern asked me.

   "Yeah, How was your trip?" Garcia walked behind us.

   "Very beautiful and romantic. Oh and I'm not gonna be a Reid for much longer?" I smiled, squeezing Jack's hand, grinning.

  "Wait what?" Derek said.

   "Nooo. NOOO!" Garcia said, putting the pieces together.

   "Yes," I smiled, putting my hand out to show them my engagement ring.

   "Oh, it's so big and fancy and pretty! I LOVE IT!!" Garcia yelled.

     "Welcome, to the Hotchner family." Hotch pulled me into a hug and smiled.

    "I can't wait for it to be official!" I grinned.

   After many congratulations, and the girls gawking at my ring we headed to a chinese buffet to celebrate the good news.


   "Rossi, Slow this dang car down before you get pulled over making us late." Prentiss yelled.

    "They are not gonna pull me over, Im italian." This statement caused us all to roll our eyes.

     Today is JJs and my dad's wedding day. They decided to get married in the outskirts of Vegas so my Nana could go. I was so excited to see her.

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