Chapter 21

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    I walked onto the plane and sat down. I was the first person to arrive so I began reading up about the case even more. After 10 minutes everyone was on the plane except Hotch and Jack.

   I heard footsteps and through my headphones people talking to Jack about how big he has gotten.Reid then came and got me.

    "Maddie, I want you to meet someone." he said softly

    I nodded and got up. Jack was facing away from me, I was praying I wouldn't give it away when I saw his face. He then turned around.

   "Maddie this is-" I interrupted Hotch.

   "Jack?" I prayed our acting was persuasive.

   "Maddie?" Jack asked

   "Oh my" I said as we hugged each other and smiled like long lost friends.

   "H-how have you been?"

    "Hold up," Derek asked, "Was he the reason you were smiling at your phone? is this your Boyfriend?" My face grew warm over all the questions and Derek being overprotective.

   Quickly we both replied,"No! NO! w-we are just friends!"

    "We went to school together for a couple months and we used to play with each other at the park!" I said quickly while fidgeting

   "Oh ok, well anyway this case is gonna be a long and hard one so everyone gets some rest." Hotch said.

    I sat back down and pulled my phone out to text Jack.

 J: Nice job back there. I'm surprised they believed us.

 M: Ik I was so nervous.

 J: Don't be Beautiful.

 M: I'm just afraid my past will come back and haunt me mainly.

 J: Well, I'm here if you need me. Get some rest. I love you! XOXO

 M: I love you too. Get some rest also. XOXO

    I then fell into a beautiful dream until it wasn't.

   I was dreaming of that night, my first nightmare in months.

     There he was pinning me to a wall. It felt so real. I can feel his hands around my throat. His face stern and angry, showing no remorse trying to kill me. I can hear someone saying my name.

   It was Jack, "Maddie!"

   I shot up screaming seeing the team around me. Jack is right beside me scanning my emotions.

   I put my head in my hands. Reid scooted past Jack. Placing a hand on my back which caused me to flinch.

   "Maddie, you don't have to be on this case." Hotch said sweetly.

    "No. I need to do this. It's what's best for me. If I feel like I need to step away I will." Hotch just nodded.

    "We will land in 40" I heard JJ say as Reid went back to his bed and Jack sat next to me. He reassured me with a simple phrase I taught him.

  He whispered, "Je vous aime"

   I just smiled and prepared for the next several days to weeks.

    When we arrive at the station I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. I wanted to turn around but I needed to do this.

   "Hello, thanks for having us!" I heard Hotch speaking so I snapped back into reality. He named us all off and the detective started talking about the new victim.

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