Chapter 44

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*10 Years later*

   Life has been a little crazy. I was now respected more from my colleagues outside of the team now that I had 'proper training' and 'experience'.

    I was happily married to Jack for almost 11 years. I was pregnant with our 5th child. Jack and I always wanted a big family and that's what we had.

   Our eldest, William, was now 9. He was a lot like Jack, almost Identical. They were both intelligent, and had their beautiful dark hair and eyes. They both loved sports so much and it was so adorable when they would confer over sports during dinner.

    The next child is another boy named Timothy. He is one of the smartest 6 year olds I have ever met. He wants to be a lawyer, and he is just the sweetest boy on earth. Well, he is the sweetest boy until he gets onto the baseball or football field. Then he becomes almost as competitive as Hotch. He has my hair, and eyes, but in the face looks so much like his father.

   Our next child was a girl, Adelaide. Or as we call her Addie. She is literally a copy and paste of her father in the girl version. She is a perfect mix of both Jack and I. Reid and Rossi say she acts and thinks just like I did but minus the sports part. That she got from her dad. For only being 3 she is one of the smartest kids I know.

   Then we have another little boy named Elijah, he is 1 and already a trouble maker. He looks just like me but acts just like Jack when he was younger. According to Hotch, Jack was just as crazy and energetic.

    Lastly, is our baby girl that is due in a month. Her name is gonna be Annie. Jack wanted to name her Annie since we used representation of our past in each name. Each name holds close to our hearts in some way.

   William was named after Henry and Michaels father, Timothy after my foster brother, Addie after my nickname from Jack when we were younger, Elijah was one of Jack's friends before he passed before we had met, Annie after the fact she was an orphan who was saved just like me.

   Over the past several years Rossi had decided to officially retire. All the burdens and stress could kill a man like Rossi and almost did. He had a minor heart attack and said he didn't have a major one because he is Italian. Typical Rossi. He had published 6 more books, all being related to real crimes he had endured. One was based on my life, that was his 4th book out of the 6 new ones.

   He was definitely excited when he gained the title of grandfather for the 4th time, yes, Joy had 3 more beautiful children. She had a houseful of boys plus one girl by her side. The little girl was an exact replica of her.

   Rossi became a guest speaker at many colleges across the world for many Criminal Justice classes. Sometimes he would drag me or someone else on the team to come as well. He was very proud of the several programs he created to help better society and help victims of abuse, rape, and assault while they kept their identies hidden. Something I had wished to have all those years ago. Every Sunday, Rossi makes us come to his mansion to catch up and have family dinner. It's one of my favorite things he decided to do other than the program.

   Derek and his beautiful wife had another child, a little girl. She is named after Sav's grandmother, Hazel. The little girl is now 3 years old. Derek, decided to continue to work at the BAU but not go on all the field cases, to hang back and do paper and office work so he could spend more time with his children and wife. Derek shared his story to millions by his best selling book. Rossi had to help him because he had no clue how to start but it came out to be an amazing book.

   Penelope finally found a man perfect for her. An old agent by the name of Luke Alvez, he works on a different team at the BAU. He seemed like a sweet guy. They have been together for almost a good 5 years now. Garcia makes all us girls go out for girls night at least once a month. We regret it the next morning but it's worth it.

   Emily and I have definitely become closer. I love watching her work with the kids, she was always afraid to be a mom but she is so good at it. All her kids are now sadly in their double digits. She is an amazing grandma for my children, she is an amazing mother-in-law. Jack absolutely adores her. She took over Rossi's position, working side by side with Hotch.

   Hotch was the best father in law ever. He faced his father's abusive lies and scars and told Emily and the rest of the team about his past. He has been amazing with his grandkids, and it's so cool to watch him play with them and teach his kids how to play, feed, and change them. I love watching Lizzie and Sean try to follow their brothers footsteps. They all want to do something in the crime field. I think Rossi has influenced all of us to write a book, which is what Hotch is doing. He is almost finished with 49438 words and with several thousand to go.

   JJ after she got married wanted to have more children, JJ and Dad had a little boy and girl together. Watching her as a mother makes me wish she was mine. She is an amazing grandmother to my children as well. She now advocates for mental health, suicide awarness, and many other things. She wrote a book about the issue and another about her own personal experiences.

  Reid, my wonderful father. He faced his trauma and wrote books about different things. He teaches classes and uses me as an example everyday to prove no matter your background you can become an agent. A couple years ago we lost Nana. She was one of the hardest deaths for my father and how he got through that I have no clue but he did. He has been clean from dilaudid for many years now. Even wrote a book about addiction as well, but pretended this all happened before his employment at the BAU. I love watching him with my children. He was such an excellent and intelligent man. Without him I don't know how my life would be right now. I'm not even sure I would be alive without him and Jack.

   Over the years, I learned a lot. I gained a lot and I couldn't be more grateful. I was always told I was a burden, ugly, fat, disgusting, orphan, nobody, and many more things. But I got to prove them all wrong. I got to show everyone I wasnt a murderer. I was an intelligent, beautiful, profiler who could read faster than most, had an eidetic memory, was everything they couldn't be because I was me.

   I remember a time after we got married we went on a case and the police chief thought me and Jack were related. They thought we were siblings or cousins after we were introduced, he asked us if we were related, and Jack told him I was his wife while kissing me on the cheek. It reminded me that no matter who you love you shouldnt have to hide that love like Jack and I used to. It made me realize you should love who you want, don't let others determine your lover. As I once said before, Growing up I didn't believe in love, but Jack taught me what love was like, and how to love him.

   I learned over the years people will belittle you and tell you that you will never make the distance. Your dreams would never be achieved. Don't listen to them, you make your future, you make your dreams. Not anybody else. If you desire change, change begins with you.

   My life taught me no matter what you go through, you will always make it out. No matter how hard it is. You will always find a way to somehow turn out to be okay. No matter what you go through or how long it takes you, you will always reach the light at the end of the tunnel. You are capable of anything you set your mind to.

   My life taught me that I was never the plague of my story, I was the medicine that cured it. People taught me I was evil but in reality I was good hidden with lies and beatings from others.

    So I sit here on this park bench, watching my family and friends play with the children and talk about life while I start the beginning of the new chapter of my life. I decided to write and tell the world about my life, my story, and how no matter what you go through everything will be okay.

    I began to write the first sentence to my debut book, The Agent's Secret Daughter, and it says, "Time slowly passes by as I continue contemplating on why he left me here."

The End

A/n: I hope each and everyone of you enjoyed this story! please comment feedback and share with friends!! Love you all!! ❤️

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