Chapter 8

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   "They found another body." Reid said with slight shock in his voice.

   I looked around. Me and Reid talked for so long and I was so excited I didnt even notice the kids got home and how late it was.

   I look at the clock as Reid and I rush out the door. It's 2:25 am, we really did talk for a long time. While rushing out the room all excitement left me, reality hit.

   As we rushed down the hallway to the dining hall I heard a baby crying but I ignored it.

   We ran into the room and saw Queen Bee Angela crying on her mom's shoulder. I look over and gasp. I then heard a stern voice.

   "Maddie, give us a rundown on this young girl please!" Hotch said sternly, obviously mad that we didn't catch the killer even though we had security all over this place.

   "Her name is-" I started talking but was interrupted by a squeaky voice.

   "Why does she get to tell you about Morgan, she was MY friend! Not hers. The freak has no friends. Plus she was the one who killed her anyway! I saw her do it! She took a butcher knife and sliced my friends throat." Angela screeched. That girl is so annoying and she really just accused me.

    Mrs.Davis then spoke up, "I can't believe we now have evidence to prove that Maddie is a killer! She has no alibi and who else would kill people then the most famous murderer around." Then we hear a wail from a baby.

     "Madeline, go take care of that dang baby and let the professionals handle this!" Mrs. Davis said while smirking but only she knew I was soon to be adopted.

   I started to walk away but Prentiss put her hand in front of me and turned around and gave Hotch this look like, do something. There has to be something going on between them because they could read each other like a freaking book.

   Hotch reached for my hand and out of instinct he reached back with his other hand but stopped. He must have multiple kids. Yep, gotta ask Reid about this. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it and let go and walked toward Mrs.Davis.

   "She did have an alibi, she was with one of my agents which proves she hasn't committed any of these murders. One of MY agents will look after the baby" he said, mocking Angela and then looking at JJ. She understood what he meant and went to take care of the baby

   "Now if you could please sit down and shut up it would be really appreciated." Hotch snapped.

   Hotch looked back and noticed I saw something. I took Reids gloves and put them on while walking toward the body.

   I examined the wound and noticed the jagged marks on the neck line.

    "You Lied! These jagged marks prove that a butcher knife wasn't used. It would either have to be a bread or steak knife or possibly the jagged top of a straight knife. You compromised a dang crime scene Angela and lied to Feds. That's 2 different crimes!" The team looked at me in shock. Probably confused on how I knew but I looked at Rossi and he knew.

   "How did you know what weapon was used, Madeline, only the killer would know that!" Angela tried to put blame on me yet again.

   Rossi spoke up, "From age 2-9 she was abused and cut by different knives, she learned to tell the difference. You guys probably did the same thing to her also. Now Maddie tell us about this young girl"

    I started to speak but I noticed something in her pocket but decided to ignore it until I was done speaking.

    "Morgan Williams, found at 2:20am according to Derek. She has the same looks and is also a straight 'A' student like the others. She was very mature for the age of 15 and her guardians passed away a few months back." I say.

   "How you know about her guardians" Angela looked shocked I knew

   "You talk louder than you think Angela." I said and turned back to the note.

   Reid noticed the note in my hand and came over to me while I was opening it.

   It was written in morse code, good thing I learned morse code when I was younger.

     The note said: '.-...--..-.-- ---.-. -.---- -----.-.. -...----........ ---- -.-.-----. .--.-.. -.-----..-.-.... --..--.....- -.... ----.. ---..-. -.....--' (Ready or not more bodies to come and yours might be one of them)

    I started to freak out but noticed more writing on the back of the note so I turned it over and it said, '-.... .-...--..-.-- ..-.---.-. ..-.---..-.-. : -.......-.--.-- -.......-.. .--...-...-.. -.... .- .....-.-..--..-....... -.....--... --.--..-.--. ......- -...-.-- .- -.....-... .-----.-.-....-.-- ---.-. -....--.... .-----.-.-....-.-- -..-----..---- -.-----..-.-. .--..-...---...-.' (Be ready for four:thirty, there will be a surprise that's getting hit by a bus worthy or death worthy. XOXO, Your Plague)

     After I read it I looked at Reid and Rossi and then the rest of the team and ran out the room dropping the note as I went.

A/N: What do you guys think is gonna happen next? Sorry for yet again a short chapter. Please give feedback! 

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