Chapter 6

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   "For 5 years the killings stopped. My life started to become somewhat normal, the bullying wasn't as bad. I felt kind of free and Mrs.Davis started being a little less strict on me. That all changed 2 days ago." I said with pain in my voice.

   "Before I talk about what happened a couple days ago I want to break down the MO more. The way they get killed always stays the same but The who, when, where always changes."

   Police officer Richard Smith who interrogated me spoke up, "If you're not the murderer then how do you know all this information?"

   I looked at him like he was stupid, "1. If you paid attention to my foster families stories about their deaths then you would know I said the same exact thing. 2. I broke it down so idiots like you with a low IQ can understand what I was saying." I said yet again without thinking. I don't have a filter.

   Officer Smith just stared at me mouth agape, "That's what I thought Smith. " I looked over at the team and half of them were just smirking at my comment. Glad to have them on my side.

    "So going back to where I was. 2 days ago, August 1st, at 3:04 am Melissa Moore was found in the bathroom with a slit to her throat. She was my age, 15, her parents died in an accident a year ago. She was a blonde-haired, blue eyed girl, and I remember she was a sweet, straight 'A' student. No evidence other than a Knife that killed her which was from the kitchen. There were no suspects." I said like I knew everything because I may have stolen the case file from the police.

   Chief Alexandra Hornet spoke sternly, "How do you know that information, We haven't told the public that yet!"

   Everyone looked at me while I stifled a laugh, "Shouldn't have left a case file in the interrogation room with someone who can read it in less than 5 minutes." Chief then glared at Officer smith. "Can I continue on or do y'all want to keep interrupting me?" Chief and Smith just shook their heads and I continued on.

   "Next victim was Mackenzie Miller, 12, she has the same looks and is also intelligent just like the last victim.  They again found no suspect or no evidence other than her own pillow that suffocated her. As I just said she was suffocated. Her parents dropped her off because they just couldn't take care of her, they were too poor. She was found at 11:23pm also on August 1st." I say with sadness.

    "Next victim was killed just 3 hours and 7 minutes after the last at 2:30am. August 2nd. The Victim's name was Makayla Brown, she was 14, parents were killed in a robbery. Just like the last victims all look and act somewhat the same. Makayla was killed by a shot to the head. " I take a breath and look around to make sure Mrs.Davis cant see me.

    "Most recent victim is Maria Martin, aged 13. She also looks like the others and is a straight 'A' student also. She was found at 9 pm and was found stabbed and shot several times in the closet full of extra bedding. She was bullied the same as I was but she was called a 'Killers Spawn' because her father was a murderer and killed his own wife and 12 other women. Poor girl just wanted to grow up and become a meteorologist." I start rambling but I remember the task I'm supposed to be doing.

    "As of now there have been no killings today, August 3rd. I'm hoping having all the police and BAU here hasn't caused him to go hiding. Please keep a lookout and the BAU should have a profile within a couple hours and days. Please stay-" As I was talking I was interrupted by someone I hope wouldn't find me.

    "MADELINE DIANA DAVIS WHAT DID I TELL YOU!" Mrs.Davis screamed at me. I flinched as usual.

    "M-Ma'am they j-just asked me a question about Maria Martin and I-I was answering them." I said very fast like I do when I know a beating is coming.

    She walked up to me, took me by my hair and started dragging me. The team stood there in shock. Not able to move. The police on the other hand were snickering. She dragged me into my section and threw me down to the ground. I hit my head pretty hard, my vision became blurry and the room started spinning.

    I heard a click of the door and I knew I was in trouble. As my vision started to become clear I saw Mrs. Davis went through my bag and found the two things I hoped she wouldn't.  A photo of me and Rossi when I was 5 and my computer.

    "Why do you never listen to you useless brat. I told you not to talk to agents and here you were disobeying as usual. You're lucky I didn't call my husband.I told you when you were 11 to give me everything Rossi gave you but you lied as I can tell by this photo of you two." She then bent down to my level. I was still recovering and she slapped me across the face. I knew that would leave a mark

   "I told you what would happen if you talked to agents plus is that friend of yours even your friend or an agent? That's beside the point". She took a hammer she had with her for some reason and put my computer on the floor and began to beat it. When she finished beating it she went back to me.

   I was still laying on the floor. She started kicking me. Kicking me very hard in the ribs and abdomen. I knew I would be sore. I prayed for the first time in years for it to stop. It actually did!

    "Hope you enjoyed your punishment, you useless brat. Just know you will never make it in life. You will never get to follow your dreams or find true love because you're too much of a burden. I hope one day you will die and I hope I see it!" she spoke, her words laced in venom but for the first time I felt like I was able to speak up against her.

    "You know you can't break me. I have been broken for years but just remember there will become a day that I get to break you and make you feel how you made us feel. Just remember that!" I say. She just rolls her eyes and walks out while slamming the door.

    I roll over onto my back as I feel tears threatening my eyes. Maybe she is right, the world is not good with me in it.

  While thinking of ways to escape this world I hear banging on the door.

   "Maddie, open the door!" Reid shouted.

    "Come on Madeline!" Derek yelled.

     "Come on Maddie, We can talk history or anything you want just answer me." Rossi said worried for my well being.

   I wanted to say something, I really did.

    As I heard the door bust down, Mrs.Davis must have locked the door, my eyes fluttered shut.

A/N: AHH what do you think will happen next? originally I was gonna make this more emotional but I decided that will either be chapter 7 or 8. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

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