Chapter 15

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      I didn't get a wink of sleep but I acted like I did and a little makeup helps also. Also caffeine helps, I learned coffee is your best friend in the BAU but that is beside the point.

   Hotch ended up being the only person at the office and I had to tell him I couldn't be on the case. How should I do that? I can't tell him until I tell Reid but how can I tell him when I don't know how to tell Reid!

     "Hey Hotch.." I said, dragging out his name.

      "Yes Madeline?" Probably wondering why I was up at 4 in the morning but that is beside the point.

     "I was wondering if I could be off the case until we catch the guy just like Reid?!" I said.

      "Yes, but can I ask why?" he said confused, I loved working cases.

     "Oh I just wanted to be there for Reid. He isn't doing to good with the news about Lila." I said lying. He agreed but as I walked out I took a case file from an officer's desk. I'm gonna find out who did this. I didn't go to the hotel, I went to the cafe down the street and started doing what I do best, profiling.

     For several days, all day when my dad thought I was with the BAU I was actually at a cafe doing work. Trying to find the killer of Lila and the others. I work from dusk to dawn. I wouldn't let this guy get away. Then one day I got a call from an angry Reid.

    "Where are you?' he yelled.

     "At work." I said blatantly. Technically I wasn't wrong, I was working just not with the BAU.

      "No your not. I stopped by to see if you wanted to get lunch and Hotch says your not working the case. He said you couldn't for some reason so what's going on. Wait, don't answer that I'm coming to you!" he said, I told him where I was and he instantly hung up the phone.

      When he arrived he was ticked, "What have you been doing for the past 4 days 3 hours 27 minutes?" he said, how he knew the exact time is unknown to me.

     "I need to find this killer Dad. I can't really tell you why right now because I don't know how to but please listen. I need to do this." he calmed down after I said this.

     "Why are you taking so much interest in this? I haven't seen you this interested in a case in a long time and that's saying something. Last time you cared to this extent was what, the Jackson case" He said, that's when it clicked and he must have noticed.

     "What?" He said confused and I called Garcia, "Does Max Jackson have any siblings Garcia?"

    "Hey sweetie, and yes there is one listed and the other files are locked, I can break them if needed. Oh and before you ask, the sibling's name is Myles Jackson." She said chirpy and confused.

   "Thanks, can you send Hotch the location of Myles please and thanks, Garcia." I said and she agreed. I hung up and ran to the station. Reid is not far behind.

      I heard Hotch saying something about the location when I burst into the BAU office section.

       "It isn't over! We all thought it was over but it wasn't." Everyone was staring at me while Reid was behind me catching his breath.

   "What" Rossi said.

      "They are targeting me, I can't explain why yet but they are. Max Jackson has a brother named Myles Jackson. He is here in town probably trying to finish what his brother started." I said

     "And the location?" Prentiss asked

    "Thats where he currently is" I said

      "Are you sure Maddie?" Hotch said sternly and I nodded. "Let's go get Myles."

       As we arrived we saw a man leaning against his motorcycle, looking like he was waiting for us. We got out with our guns pointing at him

      "Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Davis, oh wait that's right you're a Reid now. My bad. Well I see you got the whole gang here. Have you told them the DNA results yet" He chuckles while people glance at me. I look down trying to figure out how he knows.

      "No." I said

       He starts to get on his bike, "get off or I will shoot you, Myles!" Derek yells at him.

      "Oh, my bad I didn't tell you who I am. I'm Edison Lewis. I am the messenger for Myles." He said starting his bike.

       I started to zone out, thinking about how I didn't notice this. I should've notice this. I'm a profiler I'm supposed to think of every possibility possible.

     I kind of heard Derek say, "what message?"

     Then Edison said, "This!"

      I heard my name and then everything felt like it went into slow motion.

       I look up to see Edison pulling his gun out and aiming it at me but Spencer steps in the way. Edison pulled the trigger. It's back. He took a bullet for me. My curse is back.

        Edison drove away as I watched my dad fall to the ground. I haven't told him yet and he was dying. He may not know the truth. He may not have another moment with me. I might end up in foster care again. I started to have a panic attack and Rossi noticed. Everyone was rushing around me trying to find Edison or help Reid. I started having trouble breathing, the world began to spin.

     "Dad" I sobbed and fell to my knees. He looked at me, his eyes glazing over. His blood is getting on my jeans but I don't care. Rossi pulled me up and away from Reid, hugging me as the ambulance arrived.

     "No. Rossi, I need to be with him." I said freaking out. I saw JJ crying and Derek comforting her with tears threatening to leave his eyes, same with Prentiss but Hotch was comforting her. First time I think I saw pain in Hotch's eyes. They look over at me with sad eyes. I saw an ambulance leaving.

       I broke out of Rossi's grip and ran toward the ambulance which ended up wasn't carrying my dad. He was already at the hospital but Hotch stopped me, "Your dad is at the hospital already. Kid, listen okay, I love you b-" I interrupted him.

      "Hotch Dont! You don't understand! My mother is dead, on a metal slab in the morgue! While my father who just got shot is dying in a hospital bed, not knowing I'm his biological daughter." I then started breaking down and freaking out. The world around me began to spin faster.

       "D-don't even say you love me. You know why? It's because everyone who says that they love or care about me gets hurt or dies! And I can't deal with that anymore Hotch, I can't! I can't do this anymore." I fall onto my knees as I sob.

      "Why does everyone leave me?" I say to him as he gets down to my level and I look at him.

       "I don't want to lose anyone else, please Hotch, please." I say as the tears are pouring out, shaking my head.


A/n: Fun fact this chapter is what I based the whole book off of. I got Inspo by a tiktok, it said what scene would you write to this song and I had a few ideas about writing a Criminal Minds fanfic and it all started with the "Hotch don't" paragraph. I then based everything on this and that's how I got this far with the story

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