Chapter 14

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⚠️TW: I will say when it ends⚠️

     It's been weeks. Weeks of going on cases and coming home and being beaten and raped by my boyfriend, Adam Davis. Yet, no one noticed or did they just not care. My mental and physical health have been going down. I feel like giving up but I couldn't do that to the team. I couldn't do that to Jack.


  *Flashback 2 weeks*

     I was walking into a coffee shop down the road from my apartment, when I ran into a familiar kid. He was around my age and I knew him but I just couldn't put a finger on it.

      "Hi, My name is Jack! Sorry I ran into you but I was wondering what your name is? You look very familiar to someone I used to know" He held out his hand so I could shake it but I flinched while also stepping back.

      "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is astonishing, it's actually safer to kiss. I also thought the same thing and my name is-'' I was interrupted.

      "Oh my gosh, Mads? You remember me from school. I was the only kid that used to play with you." he said excitedly and hugged me, I obviously hugged back. He knew how I preferred hugs over handshakes.

         We ended up talking for several hours and we exchanged numbers. I just hoped Adam didn't find out.

   *Flashback ends*

      Jack and I became friends again. He was my friend when I was still in the Foster system. He was the only one who didn't believe in my curse. I think I started to love him but I couldn't date him because I deserved nothing more than Adam. Well that's at least what he said.

     I walked into the office because Hotch said we got a case. I saw everyone but Reid here. I started to panic. Reid is usually the first one here.

      "Where is Reid?" I said. Everyone looked at me sadly.

      "Guys, what's wrong? Is Reid alright?" I said nervously, hoping nothing happened to him.

     "Your dad is temporarily off the case even though he is going with us." Hotch's voice boomed over the silent room.

    "Why?" I said confused yet relieved everything was fine with my dad.

    "There has been a murder, and your dad kind of had a relationship with this girl." he said reluctant to say.

    "Who and why are all the blinds shut?" I say, while just noticing because I was distracted by the fact my dad wasn't in the room.

     "They are closed because this case is supposed to be a very secretive case. The person is someone who looks like you, which is why we're putting you in protective custody until we fly in to investigate." he said, taking a breath.

     "Why are you and stop ignoring my question!" I said sternly

     "We think the killings are happening again, maybe by a copycat, several people with similar looks have been killed. Along with a friend of your fathers, Lila Archer." Hotch said, while I looked at Rossi and he gave me a comforting look. I took a ragged breath and then spoke.

     "Is someone with my dad?" I said, I was worried.

     "Garcia is." JJ said while I noticed Penelope not in the room but that wasn't uncommon for her.

      "Well wheels up in 30." Hotch said while leaving the room, all of the team was following him except Derek.

     "Have you opened your DNA test results yet?" he said. I shook my head.

     He understood why because the answer never changed the past several weeks I had the results. I have just been too nervous to find out who my biological parents were. Derek walked out the room and I prepared for the flight.

     We landed late at night and I decided to go to the hotel with Reid. Reid fell asleep instantly, he has been emotional all day and he just needs some sleep. I on the other hand couldn't, because something inside me was nagging me to open the results. I don't know why but it was.

     I went over to my bag, got the letter, and went into the bathroom. Not turning the light on until I closed the door so it wouldn't wake Reid. I opened the letter and scanned the page. I instantly started crying and dropped the letter. I wasn't expecting them to be my parents.

A/n: HAHA I had to leave you on a cliffhanger. I'm not 100% sure when I will tell you who her parents are but you will get a hint in the next chapter ❤️. Please tell me what you think.

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