Chapter 5

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     "Me" I said blatantly.

   Everyone turned and looked at me. Most were startled not knowing I was there leaning against the dorm frame.

   That's when Sheriff Joseph Arnold spoke up, "Don't you even start trying to be smart. You're probably only over here to get more information so you can do more killings, Murderer! I couldn't imagine betraying my family and murdering them but I'm not you!"

   Rossi's team looked astonished and very surprised at what the Sheriff said. I don't have a filter at times so I just spoke my mind.

   "For 1. I know what 2+2 is, unlike you. 2. Why would I need to get information I already know about? Oh and 3. Your last name says differently."

   Reid stifled a small laugh understanding my reference to the American Revolutionary War traitor Major General Benedict Arnold who switched sides in the middle of war. Nobody else really understood so they looked at me crazy. At least it got the local police to shut up.

   "Anyway," I say and look at Rossi, "Is the MO the same for these killings?" he just nodded.

   Now time to explain my past and I don't even think Rossi knows I know all of this. Well at the age of 10 I did steal his case file and read it but that's beside the point. I then began to tell my life story!

   "At a young age I was dropped off here by my mother. My father doesn't even know I exist, at least that's what the letter said." I quickly took a breath before getting into the main reason I'm bullied.

   "I was at my first foster home at only a couple days old. Their names were the Smiths. I was only there for little less than 3 months when the first killing happened. My foster father, Andrew, was killed first by a slit to the throat, he was only 48. My Foster Mother, Angela, was killed next by suffocation, she was only 47. Then comes my foster sisters, Amy, April, and Andrea. They were all shot execution style, Amy was 17, April was 14, and Andrea was 13. My foster brother, Anthony, was stabbed and shot several times at the age of 15. Hotch called Rossi out of retirement secretly for this case. Local police found me in my crib crying but untouched. They suspected the ex-husband to be the killer but no evidence showed up. Rossi then took me to my next foster home and little did he know this would happen more than once." I stopped talking for a minute, it was hard to talk about the things that caused me so much pain and heartache.

   "That's terrible, Madeline. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." JJ said in a motherly voice. She must have children.

   "I'm not even close to done. This happened several times over and over and the only thing the same was me and how they killed." I said and then I took a breath and went on with the next family.

   "The next family was a very kind and gentle married couple. From the memories I remember both of them being so kind and caring." I start to ramble off, "They are the reason why I like my hot chocolate with whip cream and cinnamon but that's not the point. The wife, Isabella Rodriquez, was killed first by a slit to the throat at the age of 27. While her husband, Lucas Rodriquez, was killed by suffocation also at the age of 27. They found out they were unable to have any children and they wanted to foster before adopting. They just put the papers in to adopt me when they were killed. I was 2 when they died and this time Rossi was the one who found me crying in my bedroom."

   I looked up at Rossi for reassurance. The next families caused some of the worst memories of my entire foster experience. He just nodded his head and I continued on.

   "The next family was a family of 5. I don't have the best memories with this family. This family was abusive. When the killings happened I was 5. My foster brothers, who were twins, were killed by a slit to the throat. They were very kind boys named John and Joseph Walker, they were 10. My foster sister, Stephanie or Steph, was only 7 and she was suffocated. My foster mother, Jennifer, was shot in the head. She was 32, while her husband, James was 33 and got killed by being stabbed and shot repeatedly. My foster siblings and I were abused pretty badly. We were covered in bruises head to toe. According to the file it says that Rossi thought maybe the MO changed but the ME said the bruises and fractures dated back years. Local police found me in the closet crying for Rossi and covered in bruises and cuts. I have a distinct memory of Jennifer and James holding me down and using a knife and glass to punish me. I hated this house and thought I would get freedom when Rossi took me away but it just got worse from here." I said in a nervous tone.

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