Chapter 16

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   I was lost. I blamed myself. I was drowning and I couldn't swim. I was suffocating just like my fellow orphans.

   "Please," I said in the most painful voice.

   Hotch hugged me and helped me up. The team all came together.

   "We might have lost one of our own today, but we're family until the end." Rossi said sedimental.

    He took me to the hospital the next day. There I stayed all day and night for weeks, holding Spencer's hand. I only leave his side to use the bathroom. I barely eat, but when Rossi is there he makes me eat.

    Spencer has barely got better. He had a ventilator and we all know if you go on that you have very little chance to get off. Everyone is back home other than me, Rossi, and Dad. He is being transported back to DC tomorrow and Rossi is taking me home today. Just the thought of not being there beside him sickened me.

   Rossi came in around 2. I was definitely not ready.

   "JJ packed your bag the other day when they left, so here it is," he said, putting the bag to his side.

    "I know you don't want to go but you have to kiddo. Your dad wants you to continue living. Plus he is a fighter! Gideon always talked about how strong Reid was, even though he didn't look like it." that got a laugh out of me.

   "What if he passes and I'm not there. I don't want to lose him Rossi." I say as I get pulled into his warm embrace.

    "He won't die. He shall live for you my sweet child" he said trying to talk like Reid when he acted out Romeo and Juliet for a case. Again that got a laugh out of me.

*3 Months later*

*Knock* *knock*

   "Hello" the man yawned.

   "Maddie? it's 2 in the morning. Why are you here? Is Reid okay, I thought he was getting better!" Rossi said while slowly letting me in.

   "Dad is fine. Yes, he is getting better, he is starting to walk and I need your help." I said and he looked at me confused.

   "With what." He asked and I just handed him a letter.

    "Open this when the time comes." I said

   "How will I know it will be the right time?" he asked, puzzled.

   "You will just know." I said, got up and left without saying another word. I left Rossi dumbfounded in his living room. He didnt even notice the bruises on my arms and the sunglasses covering my black eye.

*1 month later*

    "Ma'am, You're pregnant." the nurse said sadly. She probably knew the situation I was in by the bruises.

   "I'm WHAT!" I was shocked.

    I walked to where me and Jack were supposed to be meeting. I saw him and just fell to my knees and he ran to me.

   "Are You?" I just nodded.

   "That son of a-"

    "Jack, this is not the time to talk about how scared I am to break up with him, especially now." He just comforted me until I needed to go tell Adam. I told him we may not be able to talk for a while.

     I walked home in red and I saw him leaning against the wall with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.

     "Adam, we need to talk." He looked shocked that I talked.

     "Better not be breaking up with me." He said while slurring, obviously drunk.

      "No, Adam, this is very important. Im Pregnant." I shouted, my baby's father would be an alcoholic . I seriously need to break up with him but my baby also needs a dad.

       "Get your butt over here now." He dragged me into an alley beside my house. It was late so no one would see.

     "Adam, Dont!" I said knowing what he was about to do.

      "DID YOU JUST YELL AT ME?!?!!" I shrunk down as he started to beat me senseless. I then felt my head hit the wall and everything after that went from a blur to black.

     I woke up to someone screaming my name.

    "M-dd-line" A man yelled.

    "Pl-wa-up" He yelled yet again.

     I began to open my eyes. I was cold, in horrible pain, I was tired, and I was scared.

    I saw a skinny man about 6 feet with a deep, stern voice.

   "Come on Maddie, look at me. " He said as I heard sirens from what I believe is an ambulance and police cars.

   I heard someone gasp, it sounded feminine.

   I started to groan, "Dad, ugh oh dad."

   "Maddie, your dad is nowhere to be found, was he one of the people who did this to you?" some police officer said, getting real close out of nowhere and scaring me.

   "I want someone in my family." I said scared and avoiding the question

    "I'm right here and so is Prentiss and JJ." Said a voice I recognized as Rossi standing next to the tall slender man.

    Last thing I saw was people rushing around and Rossi talking to me before everything went black.

A/n: oooooh what will happen next y'all? What will happen to Maddie? Where is Reid? I know this is short, choppy (it's supposed to be), and not that good but I need a filler but it just turned out very bad so yeah.

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