Chapter 4

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      Dr. Reid made his way to me while I put my laptop on my lap and opened it to get to my homework. Sadly everything was on the computer, not pencil and paper anymore. See I have an eidetic memory and I can read really fast so studying isn't really hard for me. But I will always prefer paper and pencil.

   Reid as Rossi calls him made his way over to me, unlike most people he didn't keep a distance from me. He must not know of my plague. I need to tell him soon so death doesn't come towards him. Soon as someone starts caring or loving for me they get hurt or die. Except Rossi but he always says it because he is Italian.

   "You shouldn't do that. It's dangerous" I said without any emotion while continuing to look at my laptop.

   "Do what?" he asks confused

   "Sit near me.'' He just laughs but I continue "Seriously everyone who starts to care about me or loves me dies even if it's the smallest ounce. I killed 4 orphans and 5 families. That's 34 people and more will most likely to come. Im the plague of death."

   "Were you alive for those deaths because the possibilities of that many deaths are very slim" Reid said as if I haven't heard that one before.

   "I'm guessing Rossi hasn't informed most of the team yet. Well you see all 5 of the families were my foster families. I have had foster families since I was born to age 10. After that I never went to another foster family because everyone in Virginia doesn't want to foster the 'plague of death' who kills and hurts everyone around her" I explained

    "Oh. you went through a lot of grief then. I'm sorry. Well Rossi wanted me to talk to you because he says you're about as intelligent as I am. He just told me about all the degrees you have and let me say that's quite impressive for a 15 year old." he states

   "Thanks, oh and could you please hide your gun and badge." He looked at me weird and right before he spoke I said, "I will explain later just do it, please."

   Just as Reid hid his gun Mrs. Davis walked in and she saw me with him.

   "Madeline, what did I say to you about talking to agents!?" she yelled at me

   "I'm not! He is a friend from college!" I said out of quick thought

    "A friend? Ha! Never thought I would see the day when you actually made a friend since everyone you're around gets killed." Spencer looked mad while Mrs.Davis talked.

   "What did she pay you to be your friend or did she not tell you about that plague of hers? Ha! I can't believe a nerd like you would want to be friends with an idiot like her." By the end of her sentence Reid looked like he was about to explode and he did.

    "No, she did not pay me! She also did tell me about her plague and I'm not afraid of it! Oh and lastly she is smarter than almost everyone in this room combined. If you don't like that she is smart that is fine but do not try to drag her down every second you get because one day she will snap and will take you down." he said extremely mad. I have never seen someone ever stand up for me before. Not even my own boyfriend.

   As Mrs.Davis leaves the room Reid asks if i'm okay, which i'm not and never have been but since he understands me so well I decided to open up to him.

   "Since I came here they have been horrible to me. They take away all my accomplishments and all my hard work and effort and act like they were the ones who did it" I say. I lift up my shirt and show him all the bruises

   "All these bruises are because I acted smart at the orphanage. I was never allowed to talk the way you do or I got beaten. Technically every little thing I do makes me get beaten." he just continues listening and doesn't start talking until he knows i'm done and no one else did that ever not even Rossi.

   "They threaten to take my schooling away and threaten to ruin my reputation. I'm forced to take care of all the new children until they are separated into their sections." I take a second to breath

  "In my section I'm the oldest and the leader ever since I got here. I take care of both genders of babies even though it's only a girl orphanage because this place believes the boys are not capable. So I raise all the boys until they are potty trained. I also take care of the sick. I cook. I clean. I do so many things in my section. I will introduce you to them later most of them are at after school activities" I state and Reid just nods.

   "Let's talk about the constant bullying also. Everyone here keeps their distance. Except the Queen bee and her clan. The Queen Bee is Mrs.Davis's daughter named Angela. She and her clan of orphans are constantly is bullying me and they have called me everything in the book clean and unclean version. Oh, let's not talk about the beatings they do to me also."

   "Mr.Davis who runs the boy's home and Mrs.Davis who runs this one is making me date their son so I don't pursue my dreams. He is not the best but he is better than most. I don't talk about him much. You're extremely lucky because I rarely tell anyone this."

   Reid for the first time ever interrupted me "Not trying to be rude but how did you become an orphan?"

   "Well according to Mrs.Davis, my mother left a note explaining the situation. She and my father, who she didn't tell I was born or she was even pregnant, had a one night stand kind of thing. He left for work and she stayed where she was and well she gave birth to me and left me at the front door with the note. On that note it said that my mother didn't want me. My father didn't know about me and my name is Madeline Diana but my last name was smudged and unreadable. So I took Mrs. Davis last name." I said with a sigh, then stayed silent. If only I was good enough for her I wouldn't be in this situation.

    Reid then broke the silence, "I'm sorry for you having to go through so much." he paused for a second. "Diana is my mothers name also. Since we are opening up she has paranoid schizophrenia."

  "Beautiful name, I'm assuming just like her." I said.

    "Yes and you're beautiful too you know." He said, "I know you don't get told that much but you are. Also you kind of look like an actress I met before, her name is Lila Archer."

   "Thanks. And yes I don't hear it much but the Lila Archer one I hear all the time." I laugh with a hint of sadness and then I realize Reid thought of something by the look on his face.

   "Couldn't you look at the note and try to put the pieces together and hopefully find your father and get out of here." Reid spoke quickly.

  I hated to ruin his plan but I already tried that.

   "Reid, I already tried. I asked too many times and she got mad at me and burned my whole file in front of me. She got even more mad when I tried to save the letter." I say tearing up but take a breath to hide the tears.

   "She then burned the 2 things Rossi got me. His business card had his number and my bear I named Teddy. She ripped his head off then burned him along with the card. Rossi gave me them both when I was 5 right before going to my worst foster family."

   Just as Reid was about to talk, the rest of the BAU walked in.

     "I'll be back. I need to talk to the rest of my team." I nodded understanding what he needed to do.

      While waiting for Reid, 2 petite women one with blonde hair and the other with raven black hair with some grey in it walked toward me. From stories I recognized them as JJ and Emily. They tried to talk to me but I ignored them.

   They began to walk away and go back to their team and I followed them. Soon the whole team started talking about the case. I then heard a darker colored man I recognized as Morgan from Rossi's stories ask a question.

   "Rossi. Hotch. You both worked the case since day one and we can't find anything. Is there anything in common from each killing."

   "Yes-" Hotch began to talk then I interrupted.


A/n: I posted 2 chapters in one day! crazy right! Im hoping to get this done by the start of school but I highly doubt it. Please tell me your thoughts about this chapter and hope you enjoyed! Any questions ask in the comments or DM me and I will answer them as soon as possible!

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