Chapter 26 - Tight Knit

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When I arrived at Maddox's house, his parents were already there, which led to a pretty heavy, and terrifying exchange between him and his mother. Luckily, his father depleted the situation. That was one of the first times I fully realized the kind of guy Maddox is; abrasive and head strong. Honestly, I find that pretty cute though, that gap between his cute, rotund appearance and his strong personality is pretty attractive to me. Anyway, after that experience settled we went outside to wait for his dad, who would take us to hang out. Though we had no idea where we were actually going to go.

We waited about seven minutes, maybe ten, before his dad came out. We moved out to the driveway and got into his mom's SUV. Deep down, a part of me was pretty disappointed that they had such a spacious vehicle. That meant there was no risk of being stuck in a tight space with Maddox.

     I had to shake my head and keep my face down to conceal my blush that developed from having such a perverted thought. I mean, I say perverted but in reality that was pretty tame to some other stuff that's casually wandered into my head. I'm a little ashamed to say that honestly, but it's human nature they say, right?

     "'Ey, Dame. Where you gunna sit? I call shotgun!" He sang with a chuckle as he slammed the car door.

     I chuckled in response, albeit awkwardly as I took the seat behind him. My heart felt a warm flutter as I peeked at him in the side mirror. His mood seemed a lot better than how it had been at school. But still, just because he looked better it didn't mean he was actually feeling better. Luckily, though, his relationship with his dad seemed better than his mom, so having his dad along might not be too bad.

     As his dad climbed into the car, the whole vehicle shook when he slammed the door shut. As he buckled himself in, he leaned back with a heavy sigh before turning to Maddox and asking in his gruff voice, "Where are you two going then?"

     Maddox seemed to lean further away from his dad before responding in a shaky tone, "Well, yeah, we actually don't know yet. Hey, Dame! Any ideas?"

     "O-oh, ahh..." I slid my finger down my shirt collar before glancing from seat to seat, light to light as I tried to come up with something, something Maddox would actually enjoy, but I couldn't think of anything.

     "M-mmmaybe, ah..." I looked down at my feet before finally saying, "mmmaybe we could, uh... eat out or something?"

     "Eat out?" his dad asked as he looked back to Maddox. Maddox shrugged with a cocky grin.

     "Sure, why not."

     As his dad started the car, he looked back over to Maddox. "I won't tell your mother, y'hear?" Maddox nodded with a chuckle as he buckled up.


We drove around for a bit before finally stopping at an old burger joint, one I haven't visited since I was about ten. Man, it brought back some nice memories.

     As Maddox's dad stopped the car, he turned to Maddox and me, and told us that we were both old enough to go in on our own. So, basically, he was going to wait in the car for us.

     I gulped a bit at this. I was expecting him to follow us around the whole time, maybe have some father-son time with Maddox but I guess to him this was more Maddox-friend time than anything else.

     As we got out of the car, Maddox knocked on his window a few times before shoving his hands into his pockets and leading me into the restaurant. I sighed a bit, feeling my heart rate accelerate as I trailed behind him. To me, at the time, it almost put me in mind of a date, you know? I felt a little embarrassed having that kind of thought, but I couldn't help it.

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