Chapter 1- My Best Friend

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      Everything seems to play in an infinite time loop.  Nothing ever seems to change, but if I were to slightly look aside, over to the popular kids, I would notice.  They always talk about some new drama, everyday it's something new.  This observation led me to believe it was only me who was stuck in this infinite loop where everyday played the same as the last.  

Though, to my delight, it seemed once in a blue moon Maddox would come around.  His presence was a figurative candle in my very real loop, he would temporarily break me free from it.  He would talk to me about something new, make me laugh and smile till my cheeks hurt.  He would make my heart throb and face heat just by being near me.  Though he wasn't around as often as I could have hoped he meant the world to me.  To me, it was very clear why he wasn't around often.  He had plenty of other people who were more suited to be friends.  These people weren't awkward, they knew how to hold conversations and speak without forgetting the topic.  I was far from that.  Further more, they wouldn't make him look bad.  They were all close in proximity to his attractiveness, while I was way too far off.

Maybe this is shallow thinking, or I'm just wallowing in pity, but I feel that's how they think.  I don't want to believe Maddox thinks that way, but I'm sure the other students believe this.  I would be surprised if they didn't!  

      Now, I believe this narrative should end here, you're probably bored of having me explain all this, so I'll go ahead and start on the story for you.


      This whole thing started right after school started up again after summer break.  A few days in everything was up and running like normal, like there never had been a four month long vacation.  

      The cliques were back together immediately and chatting right where they left off, joking and getting ready to start more unnecessary drama.  But me, I just sat and observed, I was an observer.  Of course, what I laid most of my attention on was Maddox.  I would watch from afar, watching his own clique, watching to see what he was up to and etc.  I mean, it's not like he didn't greet me, he was actually the only one who did, I believe it went like this.

      "Hey, Damon?"  I was startled by the sudden voice that had interrupted the silence I had created to save myself from the outcries of laughter, arguing, and other typical school noises.  Maddox had casually strode over, hands in his pockets and a charmingly cocky grin laid upon his pale, round face.  My body automatically heated up as if a fire was lit inside me.  This wasn't just reserved for Maddox, every time I'm approached directly for a conversation this happens.  Maddox just adds a throbbing feeling in my chest, my heart rushing faster.  "How was your break, bud?"  he teased, his green eyes glittered.  Who knows if it was true curiosity or just picking on me for being naïve and trusting him, but I replied back with a smile of my own.

"It was fine."  I spoke in a quiet tone, not even positive if he heard me or not.  I cleared my throat a bit before continuing.  "Um... and yours?"  When I swallowed it turned into a terribly loud gulp, leaving me paranoid about whether he could hear it.  

      He chuckled a bit, shifting his weight from one leg to the other as he looked down on me as I sat uncomfortably in my assigned seat.  "It was okay."  He stretched the word "okay" a bit, leaving me to question whether or not to ask what that meant, but I only nodded, chuckling lightly under my breath.  "So, this year's THE year isn't it?"  He crossed his arms as he rocked slightly, casting his gaze off to the front of the room.  I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess."  

"You 'guess'?"  He leaned over me, wrapping an arm around my broad shoulders as he snorted slightly.  "It IS!  No denying it!"  He poked my chest roughly as he continued, "You think you can make it?"  His grin hadn't faltered in the least while I, on the other hand, lost my cool long ago.

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