Chapter 9 - Connecting Beats

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      A few days had passed since my visit over to Maddox's house.  I almost hated to admit it, but I had a lot of fun with it being just him and I ('almost hated' because it was kind of embarrassing).  To be honest, I would have loved to have made that a daily thing at the time.  Though, thinking back on it, I was a little afraid that he would end up mentioning my interest in him, or that he thought my clingy-ness was creepy for a guy.


      Current time, the third marking period was fast approaching and I was a little wary of it.  Looking through the schedule I received at the beginning of the year, that had been changed twice because our principle had no idea what he was doing, two of my classes would change.  My Health would be replaced with an all boys gym class (just my luck), and my Home Ec. would be replaced with Tech Ed.  I began to worry a bit, so far within the first two marking periods Maddox and I shared most of the same classes so I was curious to know if his schedule would change in sync with mine.  

      I was a little nervous at the thought of approaching him to ask such a silly question (though I've seen the girls do this a lot).  We were currently in Study Hall, he was up at a mac computer at one of the big desk things (I don't know what the proper name is).  I pulled my schedule out from the front of my binder, pulling as slowly as I could.  

"Uhh... hey Maddox?"  I asked quietly, feeling extremely nervous in this situation.  He flinched a little before turning back to face me, pulling a white earbud out.  

"Hey?  Is it important?"  He chuckled playfully as he spun around to face me.  His original, playful nature seemed to be in tact again.  I guess he just needed to let off some steam and get away from the "problem" for a bit before he could feel confident again.  It made me very happy.  "Y'know, if you came up like this it HAS to be important, right?"  I blushed slightly at this.  Lately he's been spending his free time at my side, not like he was when he first got back but still quite a bit.  People were getting suspicious, some rumors even made it to my ears such as 'Maddox is secretly gay', and typical stuff like that.  I sighed with disappointment a bit as those thoughts retraced themselves in my mind.

When I snapped out of it Maddox was giving me a weird look, though it probably wasn't as weird as I had appeared what with spacing out and all.  "Um... I guess... it's important."  I slightly began trailing off again as I shifted the paper around in my sweating hand.  "Um... do you know what your classes will be for the third?" I asked shyly, holding my paper up slightly.  Maddox put a finger to his chin as he seemed to space out for a moment himself.  

"Aah... not sure.  Can I look at yours?" his voice rose in tone as he spoke, a smile popping onto his face as he pointed to my schedule.  I let out a long, and confused 'ah' as I debated.  Since it wasn't too hard to decide I held it over to him and he quickly snatched it from my hand, looking over it with odd wonder.  He let out a slight hum as he looked the paper up and down.  "Ah! Yeah, these are the same for me, the new classes I mean."  He held out his arm as he finished, a look of boredom upon his round face.  

"I see."  I let out a slight sigh as I took the paper back.  He faintly tilted his head to the side, as if searching me for an answer to a question I didn't know, then let out a slight chuckle as he turned back to his mac.  A silent rhythm in his movements.  I deeply questioned this, but due to my introverted nature kept silent.  

As I went to turn away I heard Maddox's chair turn (creak) and his voice call out "You're so cute."  My heart stopped with a flutter for a moment, a blush rising slightly on my cheeks as I slowly peeked back at him.  He wore a mischievous look that attempted to masquerade innocence.  His eyes flickered with trouble.  He chuckled a bit, turning back in his seat and finishing off with, "You're so cute... almost like an innocent little kid or a puppy."  I could see a smirk on his cheeks as he glanced back to me.  "I almost want to give you some cute pet name or something.  No homo, bud."  He chuckled a bit more, playfully, as he returned to his computer, earbuds going back in.  

      Is he teasing me?  Is he making fun of me?  I don't get this at all.  These thoughts began swarming my mind like buzzards, taking over until I was pulled out from the solitude of my inner mind and back into reality.  Maddox continued to act like that moment was nothing, which it may have been to him but to me, someone easily confused, shattered, and a bunch of other things, this was the most important event to happen.  I treated it like a puzzle, pulled things here and there to try and decode them and make sense of the jumbled picture but I couldn't.  Maybe I'm overthinking?  I'm definitely overthinking!

"Hey, Damon?"  I jumped about a figurative ten feet as Maddox startled me out of my deep thoughts.  We were walking back home today,  deciding it would be a lot calmer than riding the hell train known as 'bus'.  I turned to him nervously, my face heating up again.  "Yeah?"  He looked at me with his cute, blank expression for a few seconds before grinning.

"What should your pet name be?"  I choked a bit, stumbling a little over my feet.  Maddox laughed triumphantly for a few seconds before wiping a tear and patting my back as I regained my balance.  "You're so entertaining!"  He spoke with a few chuckles here and there, not completely over my fall.  I blushed a little more at this.  Well, I just embarrassed myself royally in front of him AND he thinks I'm entertaining... is that good or bad?

I felt a little nauseous all of a sudden, my stomach feeling tingly.  I wanted to go home really badly.  As my pace lessened Maddox gradually got ahead of me until he noticed this.  He turned back towards me, his face covered over in light confusion.  "Hey, Damon?  What's up?"  He turned around fully to face me as I had come to a halt.  I didn't want to let my face up to view completely, I felt uneasy and my entire face felt an odd burning sensation.  

"Um... I don't... feel very well..."  I shoved my hands further into my pockets, I wasn't sure exactly why I felt the way I did, maybe I just overdid things today what with all the worry I put into that one little thing.  Why did I even do that?  I reached for my bag strap and pulled it further over my shoulder, slowly taking steps forward.  Maddox walked back to me, resting his hand on my back gently.  "If that's the case we should probably get you home quick, c'mon."  His voice was calm and, quite frankly, something different from usual.  Though this was pleasure to my ears, I still didn't feel quite right.


      I felt dizzy, my vision was turning and filling my head with fatigue.  My stomach felt odd and tingled in an uncomfortable manner, not enough to make me really want to get sick but enough to cause me a deal of discomfort.  Why was I feeling like this?  I didn't know.  Perhaps, I began to think, maybe it's Maddox?  I've attached myself to him in a possibly unhealthy manner, my whole being focused on him.  

I grabbed my pillow within my fist slightly, my blanket tossed up to my chin.  He walked me home.  I dug my face into the softness of my pillow, my face feeling warm once again.  Other thoughts began popping into my head, thoughts I couldn't understand, ones I questioned for even being in my head.  

So many things... so many things seemed wrong with me and I didn't fully understand why.  Perhaps I could understand them within future time, who knows, but all I knew at this point was Maddox meant something to me... and just maybe, I meant something to him?

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