Chapter 35 - What He Wanted

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Due to stress these past few weeks, Maddox had been doing a little more indulging than one should. Aside from that, and his pretty noticeable weight gain, he'd been having more difficulties paying attention in school, and I'm pretty sure he'd been drinking a little more heavily than usual.

     I'd left it up to myself to try and fix whatever problems had been bothering him! That is, only if I'm able to get through to him.

So, remember when the speech and graduation paper were big things? Yeah, that all is basically gone and done. Aside from the speech we would give to the teachers in March, that was no longer going to be a focus in English anymore, so things were back to boring (at least, in the eyes of most of the students. I quite liked English).

     While the teacher would stand at the front of the room, I would glance back to Maddox. On his desk he had a napkin flattened out in the corner with snacks laying on it. Some of the teachers were pretty lenient when it came to snacking so that was lucky for him at this point in time.

     I couldn't help but squint in disappointment.

     As the day drug on, I would hear the chattering of our peers. A new surge of rumors had begun accumulating among the student body. Well, not new, just old ones with a new coat of paint.

     "Maddox has been looking pretty rough."

     "Yeah. It all started after Damon got to him."

     "I bet he's not just gay, but a serious chubby chaser."

     "What else would explain it? I mean... Maddox looks so..."

     "It's definitely not pretty, that's for sure."

     Honestly, I would say it embarrassed me, but I had gotten so used to them I didn't really care. I was mostly concerned for Maddox's well-being at this point.

     By the time PE arrived, Maddox seemed so spaced out, way more than I had ever seen him. That definitely wasn't right.

     When we got to the locker rooms he just sat down on the bench, leaning over like he was trying to catch his breath.

     I felt concerned so I went over to him, asking if he was alright.

     He glanced over to me, looking a little pale.

     "I think I need to go lie down..."

I helped him up to the nurse's office where he rested. He didn't actually lie down like he said, instead he just sat on the side of the bed. After a minute he looked much better.

     "Whoo. I actually thought I was going to pass out. Felt pretty light headed for a second."

     "I wonder why..." I muttered this to myself, this time I'm not sure if he actually heard me.

     He would stretch and lean back on the bed, then he pulled out his phone. We stayed there for about three minutes before I realized he wasn't planning on moving.

     "You didn't say that... just to get out of Gym, did you?"

     He jumped a little before slowly putting his phone away, very slowly shaking his head as he did this.

     "No, of course not. I did feel sick, really." He stretched again before adding, "I just got over it pretty quickly."

     "Then we should head back down to Gym now."

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