Chapter 30 - Turmoil

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After the whole event, after I had some time to think, it finally dawned on me how I had handled the situation; the aftermath anyway. I actually, on my own, suggested I head back to the gymnasium... on my own. How could I have done that?

Maddox actually had to go home early that day. After taking a punch like that I can't say I'm really surprised. I just prayed that he was going to be okay. I heard that Marcus had gotten suspended for what he did, which I was glad for, but I had hoped it would be more severe.

     After school that day I had messaged Maddox. He told me his parents wanted to sue, but for the sake, well, in his words, 'of everything', Maddox suggested against it. They both, as he said, reluctantly went along with it.

     Honestly, I was a little surprised he would shoot down that offer, but then he said that I would be subpoenaed since I was a witness to it, which I was, and he didn't want that. I was pretty touched to be honest, but then he also said it would be too much of a hassle for him so... not really surprised by that either.

The next day he came in, his entire cheek was bandaged, all the way down to his jaw. 

     "Well... maybe you do have a point..." I muttered, a little nervous to say anything, but pushed my way through those wracked nerves.

     "Even if you didn't throw a punch... you really do look like you put up some fight..."

     He chuckled heartily. We were heading up to our lockers now, the halls flooded with kids turning to stare.

     "So, that means I'm a true man now?"

     "I guess so." he smirked mischievously in response, as usual. His eyes were flickering as he stared at me, and I mean, really stared.

     "You've been awfully talkative, what's going on?"

     I let out a soft 'ah' in response. I really couldn't say. But, after what happened, the way he reacted when he told me about his... interest, and after seeing him hurt like that, I just felt... more open somehow. I don't really know.

     I shrugged as I reached my locker, turning the combination as Maddox peeked from behind me.

     "Ahh..." he moaned, throwing his hands behind his neck and stretching, "you're not gonna talk to me now?"

     "I mean... I don't know. I just... feel more like talking I guess." I glanced back to him after I pulled out my book and closed my locker. He was smiling.

     "Ya know, like I said, that voice of yours is a total gold mine, bud!" This made me flinch in realization. Not only was I talking more, I was actually talking... at room volume. Crap.

     I looked away as I shoved my book into my bag before locking my locker. Maddox chuckled the whole time, before uttering, "so cute."

First period was Economics. To be honest, it was one of my least favorite classes, but I did find it overall interesting, but obviously, Maddox was still more interesting to me.

     On our way down to class, Maddox and I chatted along the way. I had been worried how bad the damage was from the punch, to which he assured me he was perfectly fine.

     "Tch," he scoffed as he ran a hand through his golden hair. "The biggest problem is my face being all bruised, ya know? I mean... I can't have that!"

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