Chapter 29 - Eye for an Eye

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After getting a chance to fawn over Maddox's plump body, we headed into the gymnasium and started our own game of basketball... sort of. Maddox had been oddly fascinated with my interest in his body type and, after a series of embarrassing questions, I actually decided to fire off my own at him, wondering what his were. Unsurprisingly, I got just what I expected.

I could really only look at him after he said it.

     Sadism? Am I supposed to be surprised by that?

     The look on his face, though stern and a little agitated, just shouted out embarrassed. I blinked a couple times, like coming out of a trance, realizing I still held the ball. After a few seconds of pondering I threw the ball to the floor at just the right angle that it bounced back up towards Maddox. Luckily, he caught it. I was so afraid that that wouldn't work out and he'd just end up really pissed at me.

     "What's this for?"

     "Basketball..." I answered matter-of-factly. He looked at me like he would punch me. I don't get it though, that is what it's for.

     "I mean..." I shrugged half-heartedly. "Am I... supposed to be surprised?"

     He flinched back, looking really embarrassed now. My lord, I couldn't stand how cute that looked.

     "Wh... I..." he sharply looked away from me. "What? Don't you think that's, I dunno, creepy or something?"

     I shifted my weight as I looked him up and down before shaking my head. "I dunno, should I?"

     "Huh?!" He bellowed that out quite loudly, some of the guys on the other side of the gym actually turned to look at us. I blushed as I noticed this, quite uncomfortable now that we had an audience. Maddox noticed too and considerably lowered his voice as he aimlessly threw the ball at the hoop.

     "What do you mean 'should you'?"

     "I mean... should I? I don't get it." I shrugged once again as I watched the ball bounce over Maddox's head and away, off, to the far off land of the group that hates our guts. We looked at each other for a moment, before we both decided to head over and reclaim our spherical treasure.

     They immediately noticed us approaching, probably because one of the guys actually caught the ball as it was bouncing towards them.

     "This yours?" He asked nonchalantly, holding it out in one hand.

     "That it would be." Maddox replied even more nonchalantly than the guy that asked. I was pretty sure he was in our grade, I just couldn't remember his name. The look in his eyes said he didn't want us there. Everyone actually gave off a bit of an unpleasant aura, it was very uncomfortable to say the least.

     He tossed the ball to Maddox who caught it with one hand. I was positive he was just trying to show off.

     He wore a very fake smile as he cocked his head to the side.

     "Thanks." as soon as the word had passed his lips he turned to leave, but, of course, Marcus spoke up.

     "Hold up!" Maddox and I both froze as Marcus crossed his arms, shifting his weight as he eyed Maddox. "The hell's going on, huh?"

     Maddox grunted as he turned back to reply. "And what, exactly are you talkin' about?"

     "You know exactly what, Madd..." the stress he put on Maddox's name really pushed the realization that he did not like him. At all.

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