Chapter 15 - Exposure

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      By this point in time I had forgotten everything that was reviving the negativity in my heart.  By this point, we were having a casual chat, talking, occasionally laughing, but the whole time he made me feel good.  He made my heart feel warm, and fuzzy inside, and as long as I was with him I could feel it.  Of course, though, as luck would have it, not everything pleasant was to last.


      Everything seemed to have calmed.  We moved on from our previous subject to something much more pleasant.  We would go back and forth about the topic, heading back to Maddox's strict gym schedule to how I got the courage to decide to call him over.  Occasionally Maddox would bring up being thirsty and I would have to explain that the only alcohol in the house was for my parents (and they wouldn't approve of a 17 year old, much less their 18 year old son, drinking).

Soon after, we began to run out of things to converse over.  It became a bit awkward again as we sat and stared at nothing but the walls.  I wanted to think of something to say, start up something else, but my mind was only thinking of one thing.  I shivered a bit, my mind was so repulsive lately.

"Weeell..."  Maddox stretched slightly, probably a bit wary of my wandering eyes.  "I'm getting a lil' hungry?  D'you think they'll let me stay for that?"

"O-of course!"  I flinched a bit, not having intended to say it so loudly.  Maddox nodded gently, his smile as bright as ever.  "Alright then!"  He stretched a bit more dramatically, this time actually falling back onto my bed.  

"W-weren't you... didn't you say you were hungry?"  He chuckled a bit, eyes closed as if completely relaxed. 

"Yeeaah... but I'm tired as fuck too."  He slowed his breathing a bit, he appeared as if he was sleeping (he wasn't though).  "Mmm, this is so nice."  I let out my quiet 'ah'.  I guess it's okay for you to think that... but this is probably the most uncomfortable bed I have ever felt...

"Alright..."  I uttered.  I wasn't sure whether to let him stay there or not, though, I suppose he wasn't hurting anything by laying there.  I tried to keep my eyes set forward but I couldn't help but let them travel over towards him on occasion.  He either didn't realize his shirt was rolled up halfway or he just didn't care, I believe the last option must reign true due to his current lethargic being.  I only sighed, I felt the urge to try and roll it down again, only so I could get close enough to touch him--

"Mmm..."  Maddox opened an eye in question to my sudden squeak.  "Wh-what was that, kid?"  He chuckled a bit as he continued to lay there motionless.  I rubbed my cheeks, they felt hot and I didn't really feel like going into detail about everything else I was feeling.  "A-ahh... y-your shirt is... it's-"

      He automatically knew what I was talking about and, with a suspicious smirk, pulled it back down.  Of course, though, when he moved his hand away it slowly began rolling up again.  He sat up slowly, a couple grunts here and there but managed to get himself up comfortably.  He pulled down the back of his shirt,  probably the source of his first problem, and then sat casually, staring at me with his smirk.  I couldn't quite understand why he was smiling like that, it honestly made me feel a bit uncomfortable.  

"Sooo..." he stretched out the word so casually and he rolled his eyes in sync.  "Mmm, how do I say this..."  He rested a finger to his chin as he seemed to have thrown himself into intense thought.  I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at this point and only watched him from the corner of my eye.  He sat like that for about three or so seconds before a look on his face said he knew exactly what to do.  "Can I use your laptop for a sec?"  I only let out an 'ah' in response.  I wasn't sure whether or not to let him use it as I've looked up some... odd things in the recent weeks or so.  

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