Chapter 33 - The Other Side

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Maddox and I had headed down the old dirt trail in the woods behind my grandparents' house. While viewing the lake, Maddox told me he was not used to being outdoors like we were, having been more fond of city life; the exact opposite of me. It was right then that I decided I wanted to give Maddox the experience of camping, but it took me a while to muster up the nerve to actually ask, but when I did he agreed. At the time I was super excited, but, back then, I never realized what could occur from such a simple thing, and how that one question could change everything.

When we headed back, my grandma and pap were both finishing up dinner. As usual, we would stay and eat. It was a tradition basically.

     My grandpa was told beforehand about Maddox, and knew that he was interested in preparing meats and everything, so he brought out some meat he was planning on pickling to give him a quick look-see into how it's done.

     Since I was there, my grandma put me to work in preparing the meatballs we would be having. While I was working, I would look back to see how Maddox was doing. Occasionally, he would come over to help my pap by stirring the pickling juice. He would give me this look that portrayed the joy he was feeling doing this. It was a look that was beyond any I'd seen on him.

     I had to stop for a moment and think, if none of this had happened, if he hadn't gone on that vacation, put on all that weight, would he make this face? I wondered.

     After about ten minutes we had finished. The pickled Deer meat wouldn't be done for another few days, or a week (whichever) but we focused on the actual dinner.

     While everyone was eating, I decided to ask about Maddox and I staying over the night to camp out back. There was a short deliberation before everyone decided it would be fine. My sister wore a bit of a pout after she heard the agreement and ended up asking whether she could too.

     "Why don't you camp back home? We can set up a tent for you in the backyard." Dad even agreed to stay outside with her and she was satisfied with that. Thankfully. 

     Maddox joked that there probably wouldn't even be room for a little girl like her due to his size, which made her giggle. I gulped at this, realizing I might have made a mistake. I always realized too late, you would think I would have learned by now. I guess they say 'love is blind' for a reason.

     Maddox was so impressed with dinner, he actually had almost three servings. I say almost because he only had three meatballs his final round through, before he gave up. I've got to say, his appetite can be very impressive sometimes, I'm actually surprised he isn't taller because of it, but I guess it's still too new to really affect his height.

     After dinner, the three of us, Maddox, me and Julie, all went back outside. She showed Maddox around the property,  and showed him the cats, two black and white ones. The only difference is one actually has almost no black on him, while the other has some spots here and there.

     He seemed to really like them. He played with them and picked them up. I never would have guessed he had a soft spot for little fur balls.

     My sister looked back to me before sprinting over. When she came to my side, she stopped and spun back to face Maddox. We stood there, just watching him before I heard her say, "You really like him."

     I looked down at her, a little surprised, but not thinking too much of it.

     "Uh, yeah. I do."

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