Chapter 24 - The Golden Boy's Dream

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     Maddox had suggested we meet up at his house after school. During lunch he had become curious about my interests and, after managing to muster my courage, I was able to ask him what he liked. In the end, though, he suggested what I just stated. An after school visit.


     The entire day fleshed out really no differently than any other, despite having been a new marking period with new classes. Not to mention the whole event that had transpired during fourth period, PE.

     Some of the guys were acting noticeably different, but to our faces were the same as usual. It had me a bit paranoid but I got myself to ignore it, with help from Maddox that is.

     "Ya know, if you were any taller," he had joked during Tech Ed., "those guys wouldn't even think of bothering you."

     I slowly shook my head to him, "Nno, not really. Six foot isn't very unusual for a guy my age." Maddox rose an eyebrow before turning back to his worksheet. "Whatever."

     I was starting to suspect he wasn't too fond of his own height.

     After school that day we met up at his house. We both had a little bit of homework we worked on before doing anything else, mostly because I convinced him to focus on it to try and help pull his grades up a little further.

     "I don't understand how more people don't rush to you for help, Dame." He almost sung this as he finished his Psychology work. I shrugged, keeping my eyes glued to the floor of his bedroom. I'm not really that smart so...

     "Now, speeches?" he neatly placed his pages together before putting them in between the pages of his Psych book as he kept his eyes on me. I flinched slightly, kind of having spaced out a few seconds prior, before nodding. "Yeah, sure."

     The chubby blonde grinned to me, like he had some sort of secret plan he was about to let loose. "Your speech," he started as he pulled out his note cards, "decided what you're doin' it on?"

     "Oh, no, not yet..." I glanced away from him for a second before looking back. He was counting through his cards now. I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh as I watched him. He was so different from then.

     Back then, when he was the big name of our grade, the one everyone seemed to simultaneously admire and hate. When he knew all of that and loved it. The one I first fell for.

     Now, in our current situation, after everything that has happened, after all the things we've seen and heard, I think I've only grown to love him more.

     I watched Maddox a bit longer, thinking back on all of the ways he had changed. After a bit, he seemed to catch me staring, his expression changing to one of utter smugness.

     "Whatcha lookin' at now, kid?" He teased, cocking his head to the side.

     I flinched slightly, quickly casting my gaze off to the opposite direction. "Sssorry." I apologized, "Got lost in thought for a second."

     Maddox snorted as he set his cards down. "You seem to do that a lot, kid." he tossed me another slight grin before stretching. I was honestly beginning to wonder if he did that so often because of his posture. Didn't seem like it was that great lately.

     "Sooo, if you're done spacing out, how 'bout you help me with this?" He lifted up one of his note cards, whipping it back and forth slightly as he spoke. I perked up at this, nodding. "Yeah, sure."

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