Chapter 25 - Devotion

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     While working over at Maddox's place I learned his true dream job. Quite unexpected, his real dream was to work with food. It was a pretty big shock to me, but my desire to see him happy only grew, and his unwillingness to write his speech on it due to our peers was something I felt I should accept.

     By the time the weekend arrived, it felt like I had learned of a whole new side to Maddox that was completely unknown to anyone. I had become infatuated with learning more about him, yet tried my best to keep as composed and inconspicuous as possible about it, especially after the incident in PE from before.

     That Friday, Maddox and I had started working on the speech during eighth period Study Hall. A few people had finished their first drafts and read them to the class already. Of course, most of them would have to read them again after making the corrections the teacher recommended. That part I really didn't like.

     Anyway, Maddox and I had been trying to put together a proper speech for him. One that didn't involve food.

     "Have you... considered photography?"

     "Photography's boring." he groaned, cheek pressed to his fist as he let out a tortured sigh. I sighed in response. He was, admittedly, being a bit stubborn about this. I looked through the list of jobs that we had received when working on the graduation paper. It didn't seem like any of them were interesting to him or were 'too boring' to write about.

     "Why don't you just do woodworking again?" I questioned, honestly curious. He sighed heavily as he rubbed his finger over the desk top. "I dunno, guess that'll work." He flipped his hand as he spoke, sounding utterly bored.

     He'd been a bit off all day, but this was the worst he'd been. I had wanted to ask what was bothering him but honestly, after the incident in PE before, I was worried I would react stupidly, make it worse. I turned away, lifting the paper slightly to my chin.

     I'd been a bit paranoid due to my over reaction before, but I wanted to make Maddox happy. I wanted to be with him, but that part of me, my angry side is so strong I lose control easily...

     "'Ey? Dame?"

     I shot up in shock. Maddox had been watching me as I spaced out, and his face carried a look of concern. "You okay?" he asked softly. "Your face is super red." He pointed to his cheeks as he spoke. I could feel it, my face burned and my eyes were starting to sting.

     "I-I'm sorry..." I whispered, wiping my eyes, just in case. "I, uhh..." I took a breath before finishing "I, uhh... I've been thinking a lot..."

     "About your speech?" he asked, crossing his fingers and resting his upper body over the desk. I giggled at that a bit. He was so cute, I couldn't help it.

     "Ah, yeah, kinda.." I answered, my voice shaking a bit as I spoke. Maddox tilted his head to the side, like he was closely examining me.

     I started sucking on my lip as I turned from him. He was so cute. 

     I muttered softly, still keeping my eyes off of him, "I just... don't feel that well today, y'know?"

     He slowly nodded, but his face said he was still concerned. After what had transpired recently, I didn't want to cause anymore trouble for him. I couldn't tell him how I felt, how stressed I was getting myself.

     Suddenly, I heard him let out a bit of a groan. "Ya know what, kid?" I slowly returned my gaze to Maddox who had turned to look at the front of the room. "Let's hang out or somethin'. After school." He, then, looked over to me, his mischievous smile returned. "How's that sound to ya?"

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