Chapter 11 - Truth Seeker; Lie Deemer

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      A new week started, the last almost nothing but a foggy memory.  We had Monday through Wednesday, then a half day Thursday and Christmas break was in.  As the days passed things began sticking out to me more than usual, things I really wished hadn't.  It began making me uncomfortable, questioning myself more and more.  I knew people already believed there was something wrong with me, I did too only for different reasons, but this, this was the cherry on top.


      Over the weekend Maddox had invited me over to help him with his paper.  Working together, he got a lot more done than he had while in school, probably because he did the typing and I did the actual thinking and piecing together.  

When we got back to school he only had the last page and sources left so he was pretty much done and the worrying over that would be over with (not including the speech).  While we had been working together I realized things I never paid all that much attention too, or never noticed paying attention too, were beginning to stick out at me more.  I would watch Maddox as he typed, as he did things around the room.  I just watched him, well his body to be more accurate.  What is this?  I gasped as I asked myself, trying to be as inconspicuous as I could.  

The whole time was like that.  Why was this becoming such a big deal? I would wonder.  Why does his body trap my gaze NOW?  I was fearing that this was more than just curiosity, and if it was such, I was beyond terrified that this would be more than a phase.


      It was a Monday morning so, of course, we were all a little tired.  I rubbed my eyes as I felt myself being drawn downwards towards my desk top.  I shook my head a bit and patted my cheeks roughly to try and wake myself up.  We were in English and since it was Christmas break soon the teachers didn't really give us anything new to do.  She said, work on your last assignment, but since everyone was on the verge of being finished, they figured they could finish it up at home and come into school with free-time.  I shared this idea.  Maddox was using the time to finish up his paper, surprisingly.  I felt proud of him to be honest, he never focused on his work so much so this new sight was a view to behold.

      I smirked a little as I watched him type.  A second or two after I noticed his gaze perk up as he caught sight of me.  He smiled sheepishly as he glanced back to the teacher quick, back to me, and then to his laptop.  After clicking a few things he got up and, standing with a slight hunch, hopped over to my desk, resting his arms next to mine.  

"Hey, Dame?"  I felt a lump in my throat as he whispered the nickname once again.  I nodded a bit before uttering a small, "Yeah?"  He puckered his lips like he was going to whistle, but didn't.

"Mind if I scoot my desk over here?  So you can help me finish up?  I'm not sure how to do the sources page."  It took a moment for his questions to sink in, but when they finally did I gave a speedy nod.  His grin gleamed brightly at my response and he headed back to his seat and pushed it over next to mine, with slight effort.  

      He appeared out of breath after moving his seat as he plopped down, pushing his laptop over the gap between our loosely connected desks.  My body felt warm as he moved closer so the screen was still within his view.  

"So..." he sat forward, appearing as if a child innocently confused.  "You seem to know what you're doing, yeah?"  he threw on a mischievous grin, green eyes glinting in sync.  "I don't really like anyone else here so..." he threw his glance opposite of me, the former traces of mischief long gone and replaced with a look of bashfulness.  "Sorry 'bout that."  I felt my heart flutter, confusion and guilt wrapping my mind tight.  

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