Chapter 19 - Conflictions

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     The New Year came and passed. The graduation paper seemed so time consuming and stressful but then it was over. Now, into the beginning of January, the third marking period was fast approaching, the speeches were coming, and an all boy's gym class was going to be a part of my everyday schedule. 

     At this point in the story, it feels like there's plenty to talk about.


     It was a few weeks into January. The third marking period was coming up and that would mean our schedules would be changing accordingly. Maddox's and my schedule changed in sync so a part of me was excited to be able to continue spending time with him but at the same time I was horrified. 

     Maddox knew about my... interest in his body and he seemed OK with that, but he didn't seem to realize that I was in love with him.  At least, I didn't think he knew. I was still teetering about what he meant before when he said "gay or not". Did it mean something or was it the first thing he thought of?

     I lowered my head onto my desk as I began thinking about it again. We were in English now and we were working on the questions to the story "And Then There Were None". Pretty good story in my opinion.

     Anyway, I lifted my head slightly to peer over to the Golden Boy himself. He seemed to be working diligently on the paper. I smiled a bit at this sight. He's changed so much since then, since coming back from that vacation.

     I sat up a bit and decided that I should keep working as well. I didn't want to start falling behind on my work, especially with Maddox starting to pick up speed with his own work.

     By 3rd period Study Hall, Maddox and I had started up our regular conversations. We spoke about school work, about the speeches we were going to have to give, about his body because he had to tease me at least twice a day or it wasn't a proper day.

     "Sooo, Dame?" I jolted slightly at the sound of the pet name he had so graciously bestowed upon me. I still wasn't totally used to it and it was still a bit embarrassing but I dealt with it.

     "What're you gunna do after we graduate, 'uh?"

     I let out a small 'ah'. I wasn't too sure. I knew I wanted to get a job and move out on my own as soon as I could, but that was as far as I got.

     "I, uhh.... I don't really know I guess." I blushed slightly, admitting how unprepared I really was. Maddox snorted as he started to grin. "Really?"

     I shyly turned away, rubbing my neck awkwardly as he chuckled heartily at my reaction. "I figured a guy like you would've had a binder full of plans or some junk like that." He smiled in amusement at me, tapping the end of his pencil off of the table as he did.

     "Ahh yeahhh, I'm not... really that neat..." 

     "Yeah, I guess your room speaks for itself doesn't it?"

     I could feel myself sink lower into my seat as he pointed this out. It was true, yeah. My organization skills aren't the best. I don't know what happened, I used to love organization. Puberty, I guess?

     I cleared my throat a bit before looking through my papers from class. I didn't have a lot to do in Study Hall so I typically just flipped through my school work. Most people had phones but I didn't so this was how I spent my past time.

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