Chapter 21 - The Inner Thoughts are...

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     It was our first day of PE. On our first day we aren't really given anything specific to do. Usually the first few days are 'free days' and about a week in we should all have our uniforms and everything would be up and running as it should. Since it was our first day though, we were basically allowed to do whatever we wanted.

     Maddox basically pulled me along as everyone filed, not quite 'neatly', into the gymnasium. Our teacher, Mr. Risner, explained to us the situation one more time before letting us off to do our thing.

     The former school Golden Boy did a few stretches as everyone else wandered off into the gym supply closet, pulling out basketballs and whatnot. I wasn't a very sportsy guy so I stuck close to Maddox as he glanced around at everyone else.

     "Sooo, Dame. What're we doing?"


     He grinned at my confused response before gesturing to the guys playing basketball behind him.  "What're we doin'? Not just gonna stand here the whole time are we?" he chuckled a bit. To me that actually didn't sound like a bad idea.

     I turned away, keeping my eyes to the floor. I was a very lazy guy so I would have loved to have just sat the whole time minding my own business, but I don't think he wanted to do that.

     As I was off in thought Maddox had moved off to the supply closet. I felt a bit of a tingling feeling in my chest as I watched him. I didn't want him to go hang out with those other guys.

     "Ah... Mmm... M-maddox." I pulled nervously at my shirt collar. I hated when I got my words stuck like that. "If... I mean... we can do whatever you want..."

     Maddox looked over his shoulder at me. "Oh? I mean," he let out a small chuckle as he turned back to me. "Ya don't have to do something ya don't want to, bud." He cocked his head to the side as he did another stretch. "You can go off and do your own thing, right?"

     I felt a bit of a pang in my chest. I didn't want to do my own thing. I wanted to spend more time with him...

     I roughly shoved my hands into my pockets. For once in my life I wasn't wearing my jacket so I was starting to feel really bare. I cast my gaze away from him as I forced out, "Alright."

     I didn't want him to see my disappointment so I tried my best to fake a smile as I turned away.

     I decided I would walk the edge of the gym the whole time. It was easy and I was still doing something so it was OK. Maddox had gone off to play with Marcus and a few other guys. As I walked around the gym I had noticed Jason was here too. He hadn't so much as looked at us the whole time so I barely even noticed him.

     I felt myself shiver as I started acknowledging his presence, so I decided to stop. I looked back over at Maddox. When I made it close to them I could hear some of what was going on so I did a bit of eavesdropping each time I walked by. For the first bit of PE there wasn't really anything to write home about, but about my sixth or seventh time through I heard something that almost had my heart drop to my feet.

     "Heya, Mad? What've you been doing with that guy?"

     "Hm? Damon?"

     Marcus scoffed a bit before tossing the ball into the basket. Maddox caught it after it bounced back to him, looking at Marcus with a bit of a curious look from what I could see. "We're friends." He shrugged before bouncing the ball a bit, tossing it off to an underclassman.

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