Chapter 38 - What the Future Brings

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"It... it wasn't... what do you mean?"

     Maddox groaned. His cheeks were growing darker as he moved around, like he was growing antsy.

     "Oh, c'mon Dame! Wake that brain of yours up! Put the pieces together!"

     I felt like I was going to choke at first. My heart felt like it was going to burst, I couldn't understand what I heard.

     "You... you can't be serious. I mean... why would you say that?"

     "I said it cos I was serious...." his lips puckered up as he looked away from me, hands shoved into his pockets.

     I just shook my head, I couldn't believe that.

     "H-how... I don't..."

     "Oh, c'mon. I mean..." he kept swaying as he spoke. "I kept... I was trying to leave all sorts of hints leading to this! I mean..." He let out a heavy sigh, his eyes looking everywhere but me.

     "But... but I'm me... and you..."

     "So? And, in case you weren't aware, I'm not nearly as popular as I was." his smirked at me, that charming aura returning. "Who cares! C'mon just... I dunno, tell me what you think or something...." his voice slowly grew quieter as he spoke.

     I couldn't wrap my head around it. This seemed so unreal, I had no idea what to say.

     I just continued to shake my head. I couldn't understand.

    "I... I'm sorry... I don't... I don't understand..."

    Maddox shook his head at me, he looked a little agitated. I can't say I blame him though.

     He walked up to me, hand gripping my shirt collar. He pulled me down, low enough that he could, to my surprise, plant a kiss on my lips. 

     I wanted to gasp in shock, I wanted to pull away, I mean, none of this was right, it couldn't be. But still, if he did this, willingly, who was I to stop him?

     He pulled away suddenly, face flushed. I didn't want it to end.

     "C'mon, Dame... just give me an answer...."

     I could only let out a soft 'ah'. After a moment, I decided to do something I never could have done normally. I leaned forward, slowly, my stomach twisting into all sorts of shapes. After a moment of hesitance, I placed my hands to the sides of his head, and kissed him.

     It felt good, so good. I had wanted it, for so long and here it was. I couldn't help but keep going. I ran my hands down the sides of his face, over his soft cheeks to his shoulders. I didn't realize just how forceful I ended up being until Maddox was up against the wall.

     I could feel him pressing up against me, his belly pressed up to mine. I couldn't help myself, I put my hands to his love handles, I caressed them, squeezed them. I ran my hand up under his shirt, running my hands through his folds, feeling how warm he was, how comforting he felt.

     He grew more fierce with me, pressing his lips to mine harder, getting rougher. I felt his hand slide up my shirt. I could feel his chubby palm wandering around, pressing into me; my stomach, my chest. It felt good.

     He suddenly pulled away from me, looking at me in an almost drunken way.

     "I didn't know you could be so horny."

     This made my heart flutter, I felt a little embarrassed. I guess I had kinda forgotten what was going on. I mean, Maddox started kissing me, of course I would forget myself.

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