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      Everyone knew about the "Golden Boy" of our school.  The boy with golden hair, bright grass green eyes and luminescent, clear skin.  The boy with the petite, slim frame and doll like face.  Girls loved him, some boys envied that girls loved him and then me.... I guess I fall in with the girls.  You see, that "Golden Boy" is my friend, my very close friend and I love him a lot, in that way and in the friend type way...  Of course, like every cliché, I haven't told him nor do I intend to.  You see Maddox, the "Golden Boy", is my friend, as I have said, and he's very comfortable as such.  I don't intend to change that in fear of making him uncomfortable so I will keep this a secret for as long as I need to.  

            My name is Damon, Damon D. Strohl.  I'm 18 years old and have successfully made it to my final year of High-school.  I'm average height, 5' 10 with brown, messy hair and grey eyes, in the outer parts anyway.  The ring around my pupil's are brownish green. I have two moles, a hugely obnoxious one to the left of my mouth and one at the corner of my right eye.  Anyway, I wouldn't say I'm too attractive, there's nothing particularly special about me.  I'm just thrown into the sea of other average and below-average guys.  Ya know, maybe I'm below average.  I've never had a date or done this and that yet, so maybe I'm not really average.  Every other guy's done that and most of them are already in relationships, but then again I'm not really anything special so I guess that's why I tend to be overlooked... anyway, enough about that.  

      More about what I'll talk about here I have a friend, a really good friend.  He's a year younger than me, 17, but we're still in the same grade.  We tend to share almost all of our classes and we live real close to each other.  He's fantastic, a God compared to me and most others.  He's had quite a few girlfriends, I think he's done that too but he's pretty quiet about that subject.  He's beautiful and cute simultaneously, his frame is small and slim.  He's not as tall as me but that makes him even cuter.  He's about 5' 6 with... oh, right.  I guess we already went over this.  Anyway, yeah, he's admired by so many but at the same time people seem to hate him.  Since he's been with so many girls and probably done it just as much he's been nicknamed some nasty things, "A man-whore" is one of the top.  I've heard people talk about him behind his back, but I can't get the guts to tell him, but I feel like he knows anyway...

      Since we're all going to be graduating this year, if we get good grades and pass the final exam and speech anyway, stress is really hitting us hard, me specifically at the moment.  The teachers have been piling work upon work on us, barely giving us time to actually finish what they gave us.  I wasn't built to handle all this at once.  Maddox seems to handle all this stuff so casually, chatting away when he should be working and yet he's still so calm about it all.  I really admire him, but at the same time I feel dread for what all this will do to him in the long run.  

      So, if you can't tell yet we seem to be polar opposites, huh?  Despite that I still can't help but find myself undeniably attracted to him.  He has large groups of friends and then there's me who sits alone whenever his other friends come along.  I don't know if he's really into me, in a friend way, all that much or if he would care if I ended up moving away suddenly, but I still care about him much more than I probably should.

I'll admit, I'm a little clingy.  It's just that company means a lot to me since I've always had a hard time keeping friends around, and what with two younger siblings coming along I was just kind of tossed aside so attention is something I tend to be needy with, as greedy and selfish as it sounds.  

      Oh geez, I hope I didn't bore you with all this.  If you're still interested in hearing the rest then maybe I'll see you again for the entirety...

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