Chapter 17 - His Resilience

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To me, it seemed things like this would be a regular occurrence if we were to keep straining this relationship. Though we were only trying to be friends, if were to keep having fits like this, where one of us would end up hurt, it may be like fighting to save a pair of lovers relationship. I'm not familiar with friendships, so to be honest, I could't say whether or not this was normal.


Things became a bit grainy between us over the rest of the break. I would keep checking up on Maddox's online accounts to see if he posted anything worrying. Now, I'm not sure how other people would have handled Maddox's actions, but to me he was obviously in pain. I thought about that instance, over and over it played in my mind. Then, I replayed some other events and came to a conclusion, whether it was true or not was beyond me but it made sense. He didn't seem to harbor the greatest relationship with his parents, from the way he spoke about them made me feel like they tended to overwork him and he really didn't like that. Over his vacation he spoke about them making him do things he didn't want to, obviously that didn't play well with him. Then he brought up that they tightened his gym schedule more, again, probably not playing well with him.

I started to bite my lip a bit, when I noticed I stopped myself. I don't know much about emotional eating, not at all, but... might his parents be the big problem here? With everything that's going on now with him I'm sure they make it much worse for him. I stopped my thoughts right there before letting out a heavy sigh. And... I wonder if I made him feel worse... after that.

It was the final day of our break before our return to school. The New Year had started, not much change in my opinion, but that might be because I don't set resolutions anymore. I just ended up forgetting them anyway.

When this crossed my mind I came to a decision. What if, I thought, I made a resolution to better myself? I felt a smile etch its way to my face. If I can better myself, maybe I can actually do something to help Maddox! This was all I needed to get my spirits up. My one main goal was to help Maddox as best I could, especially now.


Later that day, when I got on my computer one of the first thoughts to hit my mind was to message Maddox. I wanna see how he's doing right now. I went onto his account, not heading over to the message box itself.

I decided to scroll through his feed thing (Or whatever that's called) to see what all he had posted. He didn't seem to post much anymore looking through his older posts, some I'd much rather forget. It was rather odd to be honest. He seemed like he was one of those party people y'know? The ones who you see in pictures with a ton of beautiful girls and drinks and all that stuff. His old posts were filled with updates about what he would be doing that day or week, etc. He had pictures up from parties of events he had been to. For some reason, seeing the old him was odd. It hadn't dawned on me how much he had changed, physically and just as a person in general.

A lot of his posts had comments from people, some from our school and others I had never even heard of. Many of them seemed to treat him as a friend and he treated them the same. I got curious and looked over to his friend list. I was honestly very surprised by what I saw. It seemed like he either unfriended all of them or blocked them. I imagined it would have been full of people (I'm not sure what the average amount of friends people have on these sites are so I'm not giving an example).

There were about, if I recall correctly, six or so people, way more than I had so I was still impressed. I happened to be in there so that made me feel good, I had no idea who the others were. One of those people shared his last name so I assumed they must have been relatives. I felt a little uncomfortable though, the fact that he had that many at all made me feel a bit jealous, that and I was worried he might have been in a conversation with one of them and I didn't want to be a burden to him again.

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