Chapter 14 - Going on instinct

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      As hesitantly as I could, I led Maddox up the stairs, listening to them creak when you hit them just right as we went.  You know, by this point I felt like this couldn't get any worse, right?  We all get that feeling, but later on something worse happens that says, right to your face, things can ALWAYS get worse.  I mean, it's definitely not end of the world but still, it may be the end of some of my dignity... if I ever had any anyway.


      I shivered a bit as I walked, nearly tripping over my feet again.  I didn't close my bedroom door so the moment we were to reach the top of the steps we could peak in right there.  I heard Maddox sniffle slightly a few times as we were going up.  I stopped at the second to last step and turned to him, buying myself a bit more time to prepare.  "Um, if you need tissues, er, toilet paper, the bathroom is right over there."  I squeaked out as I pointed across the hall from where my room was.  Maddox snorted a bit, "Toilet paper?"

"Uhh, yeah.  The tissues are downstairs and... my parents said--" he pat me roughly on the back as he started up the stairs again, "Yeah, I heard."  He grinned as he said so, making me forgot that I was trying to buy some time.  

      I flinched a bit as Maddox peaked in on my room ahead of me (by one stair).  "Wooo~"  He whistled out.  I felt my heart drop a bit.  "A-ahh, uh..." I hurried up next to him as he stood in his spot for a bit before turning to me.  "This your room, bud?"  I knew he already knew it was, so denying was pretty useless right now.

"Aah... y-yeah..."  He chuckled and stepped in proudly.  

"Wow, yours is so..."  He seemed to bite his cheek as he thought up a suitable word, standing just in the center with his arms crossed, swaying his body about.  I held my breath, waiting for his final answer.  "It's so... you."  He quickly turned to face me, a smile glued to his face, eyes twinkling.  I kept my breath, a little confused by what that meant.  He chuckled, realizing I was confused.  "Your room is just... well," he turned to my bed, pointing to it as if asking if he could sit on it.  I took a second before nodding.  "Yeah, anyway," he plopped down joyfully onto the bouncing mattress, "you're different, unique I guess, huh?"  He moved his arm about, as if highlighting my whole room, "your room just kinda... shouts 'Damon'."

"It... does?"  He chuckled, "Yeah, it really does."  He pat the spot next to him, inviting me to sit.  I warily stepped closer, taking a second to decide if I should, then slowly moved next to him, slowly sitting.  

      It was weird.  I wasn't used to sitting on the same thing as him.  In school we have desks separating us, or at lunch, we sit on separate benches.  Here, there's nothing, just the one bed, the one mattress.  I sat like a statue, keeping as close to myself as I could, not moving, keeping my eyes at the floor.  Maddox chuckled at this.

"You're so cute."  I felt myself shiver as he said that, I didn't want to unfold myself, but at the same time, it was hurting my body.  "Relax a bit, jeez."  He leaned back proudly, probably setting an example for me.  I watched him from the corner of my eye, inhaling deeply before letting out a long breath and relaxing my position, resting my arms on my legs.  "There you go!"  He chuckled loudly.  

      It honestly amazed me so much.  He could show so much pride, and he did so constantly.  Sometimes I wished I was more like that.  I sighed, realizing I could probably never be like that.  When I realized what I was doing to myself I shook my head a bit, trying to wake myself up.  Maddox seemed to have been watching me from the corner of his eye, a look of confusion upon his face.  "You okay, Dame?"  

"A-ahh, yeah.  Sorry."  I scratched my head a bit as I relaxed myself again.  "U-um... so..." I turned slightly to face him, keeping my head lowered.  We sat in a moment of silence, both of us seemed unsure of what to do by this point.  

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