Chapter 36 - The Way Things Are

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"Would you... let me kiss you?"

I think my entire brain shut down for that moment. I couldn't tell if I was inserting my own desires into the moment, or if it was for real. Did Maddox, Maddox Givens, really just ask to kiss me?

I couldn't understand. This wasn't for real, was it?

     "I... I don't think I understand."

     He sighed, his face showing an expression that could be described as, 'disgusted'.

     "Oh, c'mon. Haven't you been waiting to hear that? Scream 'Yes' or something."

     OK. This is for real.

     "B... what? Wh-why?"

     He glanced away from me, arms crossed over his chubby (quite hefty looking I might add) chest.

     "Well... you've been curious about kissing girls, right? Is it wrong for me to be curious about kissing guys? I mean... I've kissed so many chicks, but I haven't tried a guy yet, so why not?" His cheeks were starting to flush as he spoke. It made it that much harder to resist.

     I gulped, feeling my heart throbbing in my chest as I looked at him. There's no way in Hell I could deny him this.

     After one more gulp I nodded. No turning back.

     "O-okay... yeah. I'll do it."

     He nodded, his soft face, for once, portraying a look of true innocence. It startled me how cute it made him.

     He sighed before motioning for me to come closer. I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I couldn't believe it. In the back of my mind I kept telling myself, this would only make things harder. But in the front I kept saying 'I'll never get this chance again'.

     I sat down next to him, butterflies filling my stomach and ready to fly into my throat at any second.

     He shifted around slightly, moving closer to me. He placed a chubby hand to the side of my face. I couldn't help but continually gulp. This was gonna be gross, I thought, it feels like my mouth just keeps secreting saliva out of nervousness. Damn it!

     I actually tried to move back, I didn't want my first kiss to be the worst thing for both of us, but he stopped me.

     "You're a virgin, right?" I blushed, which I was probably already doing, but now it felt like my face was a volcano of sweat, with saliva probably pouring from my mouth. Man, I wanted to die.

     I looked down to his belly. It was super close and looked super soft.

     I nodded awkwardly.

     He nodded back before lifting my face up a little, and then, in that instant, my mind shut down.

     In a second, everything came back. His lips were pressing against mine, and I could feel his breath infiltrating my mouth. They would move softly and his hands were gently stroking my face.

     The feeling of nervousness had only grown, my stomach tingling. Though as this was going on, I couldn't help but move my hands, I ran them up and down his back. All I could feel was his coat though, which didn't satisfy me enough.

     Eventually, he started getting rougher. His kiss became a little more forceful and I could feel his breath hasten. Suddenly, his tongue entered my mouth. I wanted to gasp, but couldn't. Not until we fell over that is.

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