Chapter 10 - What I Learned

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      Weeks had passed since the incident.  I tried not to think on it too much in fear I would end up feeling that way again, so in the end it was tossed to the back of my mind.  Christmas break was only a week away.  The thought of ten days off made me feel extremely relieved, but at the same time it made me a bit anxious at the thought of not being able to talk with Maddox without having to walk over to his house.  Snow storms were being mentioned all the time now and the weather was starting to get noticeably cold.

It would have been a difficult task to try and walk over to his house in this chilled weather and I didn't want to bother my parents with asking permission to use their car, especially if the condition outside got too bad.  


      It had been pouring frozen rain the night before so the streets were messy with dirty water.  By the time we had gotten to school the sky was still a dull blueish grey, the clouds appearing heavy with water.  This kind of atmosphere left me feeling drowsy, not that this was new but it felt stronger when it was dreary.  

      I let out a heavy yawn as the teacher muttered our names, checking us off if she saw we were here.  I glanced over to Maddox who sat in his assigned seat, in the middle of his old group.  He looked relaxed, arms thrown onto the back on his seat and head thrown slightly to his right.  He appeared to be talking with them, which worried me.  He hadn't done that since... I had honestly forgotten but I knew it had been a while, probably the day before he left for California.  I pouted a bit as I let my face drop into the palm of my hand, letting a heavy sigh escape as I rested my eyelids.  

To be honest, when I saw him talking with anyone, ANYONE who wasn't me, I began to feel a bit jealous.  I didn't want to, and I was pretty sure he wasn't gay so I had no reason to be but I couldn't help it and I hated it.  I bit my cheek a bit as I turned my attention to the light switch to my right.  Please tell me he's not making up with them.

      When the bell rang I got up slowly, letting the people who sat behind me pass, like usual.  I slung my bag over my shoulder, shoving my other hand in my pocket, my binder under my arm.  It took longer than it should have for the aisle to clear since a few of them liked to stay behind and talk or walk as slow as they could.  When it did finally clear and I could walk through, I noticed Maddox standing a few feet away before me, weight thrown to his right leg, head cocked curiously to the side.  My heart throbbed a bit harder as he caught up to my side and followed me to our first class.  

      I pulled my binder closer into myself, feeling a trail of shame and embarrassment from the incident of that night.  "Hey, Damon."  I let out a shocked 'ah' as Maddox looked at me with a grin, his green eyes relaxed.  I could only look back dumbly before I grabbed a hold of my senses again and nodded as an answer.  He chuckled gently as he turned his attention forward.  "What should that cute pet name of yours be?"  I choked sharply, stepping onto my foot and nearly tripping before catching myself.  Maddox looked surprised as he stopped next to me, watching me struggle to look sane.  I gasped as I stood tall again, my face and chest felt heated to the max.  

He's one hundred percent serious?  I bit the inside of my cheek nervously, slowly walking forward so the crowd behind us didn't get too mad.  "How about..."  he hummed, my stomach turning with the feeling of butterflies.  "Mmm... it's hard to think of a pet version of your name... or just a suitable pet name for you I guess..."  his expression turned to unsatisfied as the last part sunk in.  "How about... Is 'Dame' fine?"  I gulped a little.

Isn't a dame a woman?  I questioned off the top of my head, my face cooling down just slightly.  I let out a sigh I had been holding in, my head lowering a bit as I did so.  "I... guess so."  I grunted, unintentionally of course.  Maddox threw on his crooked grin as a slight 'humph' of interest escaped his mouth.  "Your tone is saying otherwise." his voice chuckled with mischief.  He roughly pat my back as we headed down a small flight of steps, poking fun at the new 'pet name' he had bestowed upon me as we did so.


      The day had gone forth a bit more active than most.  Maddox was fascinated with the new name he had given me and used it as much as he could.  For me, this meant embarrassment, humiliation, a bit of pleasure on my part I suppose and misunderstandings by most of the student body...

      Something that surprised me greatly, though, was the fact that Maddox seemed unmoved by these misunderstandings.  Students began spreading rumors that Maddox 'owned' me, that we were in some secret relationship of sorts.  Though no one was being very inconspicuous about it, Maddox didn't seem bothered in the least.  The fact that he wasn't letting these things get to him, at least visibly, made me feel a bit better.  That he stuck around despite it made me feel like I was actually worth something, important to him even.

      I shot up with a start as Maddox poked my shoulder, shivers sent throughout my body in response causing me to jolt sharply.  He giggled a bit, holding his limp wrist to his mouth to somewhat cover it.  "Aren't YOU sensitive?" he chuckled.  I sighed, yes... very much.

He sighed lightly as he rested a plump cheek to his hand, eyes drooping as he returned his gaze to the front of the room where the teacher sat at her podium, face in her laptop.  He seemed to have quickly lost interest in my overly sensitive arm and decided to take a nap.  

We were in the middle of Economics and Maddox and I had been seated together in paired desks.  It made me greatly happy at times but then others, like this for example, not so much.  I bit my cheek as I began to turn my attention back to the front but not long after something else captured my gaze.  I glanced back to Maddox who had seemed to be in a deep sleep.  Okay, being honest, it wasn't just Maddox I was looking at, I turned my attention a bit lower.  His arms were both rested on the desk, one spread at a curve that laid before his chest, the other raised as his hand was supporting his face.  

From how he was sitting I could take it in; his body.  I didn't understand why I was entranced, but I was.  Perhaps it was because this was so new for him?  Because I was still in shock from this very sudden change?  I had a deep feeling that wasn't it, at least not entirely.  I bit my lip as I turned my head a bit, keeping it aimed forward but keeping my eyes on him.  My eyes traced every curve they could, examining intensely, this odd new form.  

I could feel my heart throbbing oddly, my body began breaking into a cold sweat, and I didn't like it at all.  I shook my head roughly as I forced my gaze forward again.  I didn't understand at all, and I prayed heavily that no one saw that.  I lowered my head a bit, feeling ashamed, embarrassed and very confused.

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