Chapter 28 - Innermost Desires

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Over the course of the following week, after Maddox and I had our little 'hang out' thing, a plethora of the students in our class would give their speeches, make the corrections the teacher recommended, and then go again. However many times we would have to give it, depended on the overall quality of our writing.

Maddox had, eventually, decided on going with woodworking (again). His work on the speech was done in a very begrudging manner, but he was working nonetheless.

     I eventually went up and did my speech aloud before the class. I could feel my heart from my fingertips to my toes as I stood at the podium and read. I doubt you really have any interest in what I wrote so I won't go into every detail of it. The looks on everyone's faces said they really didn't want to be here, they really didn't want to have to listen to this, but they did. And I hated it.

     After I gave my speech, the teacher told me I really only had two things I needed to fix. After those corrections I would be done. Sweet relief if I ever felt it.

     "By the way," she stopped me. Really, for this she was actually sitting about two desks behind me so she could watch the speeches with everyone else. It was a little weird. "You have a very good speaking voice."

     I felt my cheeks burn a little before I returned to my seat and began my corrections.


"Hey, ya know what, Dame?"

     I glanced down to Maddox as we headed down to the library. He was probably the only person in the whole class who didn't look bored out of his mind when I was giving the speech. It was a bit ironic.

     "You've gotta really good speaking voice."

     I felt my heart do a twirl in my chest, before forcing out, "You're copying the teacher now?"

     "Hm? No, I'm just saying." he shrugged dramatically, his smirk making it difficult to tell whether he was being genuine or not. "You sound pretty different when you're actually trying to be heard." he chuckled as we reached the double doors of the large, warm room.

     I grunted in response. Honestly, I always hated my voice. It sounded so... feminine...

     "There's not really... anything good about my voice though."

     "Oh, hush up." he jabbed my arm hard. Since when does he say 'hush up'?

     He smirked even more mischievously than usual, his eyes gleaming as he watched me.

     "You should talk like that more. You've got a potential lady magnet hidden in plain sight, bud!"

     "Oh... you think so?" he chuckled as he threw his arms behind his neck, stretching. Even though his shirt fit him perfectly I still couldn't keep from looking down to his belly, I mean, it protruded really nicely, I wanted to poke it.

     I took a breath as I forced my eyes away. We reached our table and had set our things down by the thick legs. There was really no way to hide my utter embarrassment and look of, obvious, nervousness. I had no real idea on how to respond to that statement. 'Lady magnet'.

     As we took our seats, Maddox stared at me with an almost dreamy look in his eyes. I sucked on my lip before getting up the nerve to ask what he was looking at. He chuckled softly as he ran a chubby hand across the table's smooth surface.

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