Chapter - 2

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"Kavya that person said we should go with a mixture of telugu and tamil wedding

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"Kavya that person said we should go with a mixture of telugu and tamil wedding. Did you note down the rituals and stuff?",Poorna asked while checking the decorations they did in the past events while looking at the preferences given by their client.

" Yes Poorna! Do you want the list?",she asked and Poorna nodded her head in a positive way.

"Madam! When will Abhi sir come?",Rehman asked.

" What happened Rehman?",Kavya asked calmly.

"Madam! I am not sure with the list I have received. I want to confirm it with sir",he explained while scratching his head in confusion.

" It's 9:45. Sir would be here in an hour I guess, you do one thing go and collect the negatives of previous event from Abhi's desk and give it Kinnera she would start working",she said and he nodded.

Meanwhile in Abhi's home :

"Ma! I am getting late! My breakfast",he shouted while adjusting his sleeves and collar not to forget ruffling his hair often.

He wore a red shirt with black pants and his messy hair made him look devilishly handsome.

" Ma, did you by chance swallow whistle when he was in your womb or what? Why does he shout for everything?",his sister Mayuri sat on the dining table still in her PJ's and a sleepy face.

"Not my mistake if you are sound sensitive sleepy head. Why aren't you going to school today? Skipping any test or what?",he asked sarcastically.

" Mister! I am not skipping any tests! It's preparation leave today for my upcoming tests! You don't over think",she said smirking at him.

"You both! Will you ever stop fighting and be civil for once? God I wonder how the girl and man who will get married to you both bear all your tantrums. May God give him and her the strength..",Vishalakshi was cut off by Mayuri.

"Ma, get me married to Vijay Devarkonda! I won't mind getting married right now",Mayuri spoke out while dreaming of her wedding with Vijay Devarkonda.

" Yes yes ma! Get her married quickly we can live in peace that person will rot in hell",Abhi said and chuckled.

"Wow! So now my big brother will get me married to Vijay Devarkonda!",she exclaimed.

" Wait! Wait! You mean the The Vijay Devarkonda? No no no! I never promised you that. I am off to office. If I stay for few more minutes you will make me promise that I will gift you IPhone plus",he said and ran from the dining table to the the door.

"Bye ma! Bye lil tarantula",he said and ran from there.

" Ma! See he is calling me tarantula",Mayuri complained to her mom.

"This is common and I don't want to come in between you both. You both fight like wrestlers and then if I come in between you take each other's side. I don't want to be a joke for heaven's sake so mam please don't involve me in this",she said and went to clean the dishes.

Meanwhile Abhimanyu travelled to the office and reached in around 20 mins by 10:15am.

"Bhaiyo aur behno, welcome Abhimanyu bharadwaj to the office at 10:15am",Kavya said sarcastically.

"Kavya! Sorry yaar! I woke up late and came late. I assure you I would complete the work today",he said like a sincere kid.

"Yes yes! Anything more sir?",she asked sarcastically and he chuckled.

" No yaar! Today I will definitely complete the work",he said and they went back to work.

It was lunch time and all of them had their lunch together.

"So Mr. Abhimanyu, when are you getting married then? How is your match seeing thing going on?",Kavya asked.

" Not bad! Every week three evenings are gone in that process and I am not judging the girls I see but I still didn't get the right one on my league",he said and sighed.

"Kavya, what about you?",Poorna asked.

" Don't get started ya! You know right every day one new person comes and we are all dolled up and sit in front of him as if we are some doll. I wonder where my husband is, if he doesn't come soon. I will give up on him",she said and the others chuckled.

"Same Kavya! The restrictions for girls to get married are like double once we cross twenty one. I wonder why people are so eager to get us married and the worst thing is they influence our parents with their shitty mind set, and boom in an year we will be in home looking after household works",Kinnera spoke.

"Rehman and Abhi, guys you both when you get married don't do the things which all of them usually do. Be the best husband, you won't have any idea how happy the girl would feel",Poorna said and both of them nodded.

"A mini ranting out session! It's good for all of us",Abhi said.

"Abhi? When are you leaving in the evening?",Poorna asked.

" Don't know bro! Ma didn't say anything she might call any moment and butter me and drag me to some random stranger home",he said and sighed.

"Acha Abhimanyu! What kind of bride do you want?",Rehman asked closing his tiffin box.

" I don't have any specifications nor do I care about physical appearance. Just the one who I can love all my life and go on a world tour one day would do",he said and chuckled.

"Great great!I",before Kavya could speak Abhimanyu's phone buzzed and it was his mom calling him.

" Where this time ma?",he asked.

"Sent you the location on WhatsApp dear son",she said smiling sheepishly.

" By when?",he asked.

"By 6! Call me when you reach there and I will come out okay?",she said.

" Okay amma thalli! I will grace you with my presence",he said and disconnected the call.

He checked his whatsApp and a smile formed on his face unknowingly.

Hello readers

Here is the next part.

Hope you all enjoyed reading it.

I will be back with next update soon.

Take care and keep smiling.

Your Author
Sakshi Devi

Your AuthorSakshi Devi

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