Chapter - 6

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Happy Reading dear honey buns!

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Happy Reading dear honey buns!

Breaking the stream of thoughts, Ekantha came back to reality.

"What are you doing now Vennu?",Ekantha asked.

" Right now working as a software engineer in an MNC sweetie. But I somehow feel this still isn't my stream. I am on bench right now, so I thought I would pursue my interests maybe. I am taking certificate course for music",she said.

"Wah! Amazing! Sing for me Vennu! You know right I love music 🎶",Ekantha requested Vennela to sing.

Vennela began singing " Naalo maimarupu naake kani saiga chese"

Lunch was cooked and Ekantha was humming along with Vennela and both of them sat on the dining table while Vennu completed singing the song.

"Your voice is just so melodious Vennu. I am sure you will become a great singer",Ekantha said and Vennu smiled.

They had their lunch while the chit chat went on and on. After they completed their lunch it was around 2pm and they settled down on the couch.

" Vennu, I will leave now. We will surely meet up frequently",Ekantha said.

"Wait! Where do you think are you going? You came few hours back sweetie! Stay for some more time pleaseee",Vennu asked her.

" But Vennu",Ekantha was out of reasons.

"No ifs and buts! Come let's go around. I will text mom and you text aunty as well. By the way I totally forgot how are your parents?",Vennela asked.

" They are all good. You should come home one day",Ekantha said.

"Definitely, before your engagement I would be there and if the wedding is fixed then I would stay at your wedding all the month. Who would want to miss their best friend's wedding",she was super excited.

" Ayyo! Vennu the match is still not fixed, and here you are talking about the wedding. You love pulling my leg all the time",Ekantha was laughing along with her.

They drove around the place and it was absolutely fun roaming with your best friend especially when you both meet after long time.

"Trust me Vennu, I never knew Hyderabad was this fun. It was always college home and some relatives home for me. If I roam more with you, I won't be less than a native here",Ekantha was actually overwhelmed roaming around the streets.

Though she was a pure introvert, she loved being with herself but not in her constant place. She loved exploring and travelling things. Unfortunately she never got chance to do much of exploring in the city she lived since years.

"Roam more with me! I will make you completely opposite of what you are now. In a good way though! I will give you a niceee bachelor memories",she said and chuckled.

" Sure sure! Perks of being best friend who is on bench",Ekantha said and they broke into fits of laughter.

It was late in the evening, and the girls headed to pani puri stall. They were eating pani puri with a competition who would eat more in short time.

"Yay! I did it first",squealed Vennu while Ekantha pouted.

" Congratulations Vennu! The winner will pay lol 🤣",Ekantha said and smirked.

"Oh no! But it's fine! Anything for my sweetie",Vennu said.

" That hit my heart. What did I do in my life to get you as my best friend?",Ekantha said and they both held each other's hand while walking down the street to the place where Vennela parked Ekantha's scooty.

There, Ekantha found someone familiar and she turned to see Abhi along with some girl. They were close to each other and there was not a lot of distance between them. They were talking to each other in a very jovial manner.

"Hey! Sweetie, what are you staring at? Come let's go!",Vennu nudged Ekantha.

Ekantha's tears were brimming. She quickly wiped them and walked with Vennela. All kinds of negative things were roaming in her brain. Vennela got down near her home.

" Sweetie! Is that Abhimanyu who you saw back there?",Vennela asked her straight up without beating around the bush.

Ekantha didn't speak a word. Tears just found their way and Vennela hugged her tight and patted her gently.

"Sweetie! Sometimes what all we see isn't true. Clear it out before it turns out to be something big",Vennela said and Ekantha nodded.

" Should I drop you home sweetie?",she asked.

"No no! It's already late! You should go to sleep Vennu. Don't worry! I will manage. I love you Vennu! Thanks a lot for today. This day I will remember all my life",she said and gave a faint smile.

" Are you sure? I may sound melo dramatic but reach home safe. Don't be like a herione who is in devdas mode",Vennu said and Ekantha chuckled.

"Finally you laughed. Thank goodness! Don't worry sweetie! As I told you if you are destined you will definitely be together. Don't over think okay? Promise me about it!",Vennu asked like her elder sister and Ekantha placed her hand in Vennela's as a promise.

" Good now! Start quickly and call me once you reach home. Don't forget! Bye Sweetie",Vennela bid bye and Ekantha drove towards her home.

After around one and half hour, she parked her scooty and went into the home.

"Ekantha, come let's have dinner",Ketan called her.

" Sorry Nanna, I am full. You and amma carry-on",she said and went to her room. She threw her purse on the table beside her bed.

She fell on her bed and cried her heart out, it's not like she was being cheated but she felt her heart broke. She could feel her breathing was going uneven and her head was spinning already. Her hands and legs were trembling. She clearly knew what was coming up.

She was trying her best to divert herself and just then her phone rang, it was Vennela. Her hands and brain weren't supporting to answer the call. She fell unconscious on the bed....

Y'all hello!

I am back with an update.

What do you all think? Is Ekantha quickly judging Abhi? Or Abhi is really a play boy?

How was the update?

Thanks for reading

I will update soon. Till then take care and stay safe.

Your Author
Sakshi Devi

Your AuthorSakshi Devi

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