Chapter - 3

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"Dad, What are you talking about?",Ekantha asked her father in confusion

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"Dad, What are you talking about?",Ekantha asked her father in confusion.

" We are looking matches for you dear, tomorrow evening there is a prospective groom coming to see. Be ready Ekantha",he said leaving Ekantha and the whole family in a shock.

Ketan Acharya, was always a person who would never take wrong decisions. Everything in his life goes in a planned way. Kanyaka and Ekantha are his only family who he talks to.

"But Ketan, she has an interview tomorrow. We all know right she is looking for a job since long. So... Now... This is not the time for her to get married I guess Ketan",Kanyaka was totally taken aback with her husband's sudden decision. She knew how this is going to hit Ekantha.

This new piece of information made the atmosphere more tensed.

"Kanyaka, the groom family will be here at around 6pm. Make all the necessary arrangements. We will talk about other things after tomorrow. I am sure it's a good choice for Ekantha",he said and walked away from there with hands in his pockets.

" Maa, I just- I need sometime please ma", Ekantha literally broke down into tears. Anika tried to calm her down by patting her gently.

"Ekantha, calm down please! We know this is going to be tough but just meet that boy and talk with him, you can straight away reject him", Anika tried to calm her down.

"No Anika, I know dad wont stop with this. He would keep on bringing proposals and I must select them at any cost. Maybe Dad feels I am a burden and getting me married is the best way to get rid of burden after all I am not having any job also, I am just eating like a pig and doing no work at home also",she cried more hugging Anika.

Kanyaka couldn't see her in tears and went back to the kitchen, she didn't know whom to convince her husband or her child. The situation was completely clueless and the worst part was Ekantha was blaming herself for it and she couldn't say anything.

Anika and Dikshit went back to home after that, Ekantha was in her room thinking deeply about the sudden news. It totally disturbed her mood and she had to give an interview the next day.

If she gets a job will her to be husband allow her to? Will he just tell it on her face that she should stop everything and stay at home doing the house hold chores? Will he force her to have children and give him physical pleasure every single day? Will her in laws be way too strict with her? Would she be able to adjust there leaving her parents? Who would take care of her parents after her? What if they scold her for not able to keep up the reputation of their family? What if the boy is completely opposite to me and hate her for being this nerdy and is forced by his parents to marry her? What if he is a pervert?

So many thoughts were roaming in her brain and she held her head not able to take too many thoughts at a time,she felt her head spinning and dozed off on the bed for really long time till she realized it was her mother knocking the door and calling her for dinner as she did not eat anything since afternoon except her breakfast. She washed her face quickly and came out in her tees and pj. She sat on the couch in front of the television.

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