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warning; attempt of suicide.

warning; attempt of suicide

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04: Concerned.

Everything.. everything will be over once I just jump from here..once I let go.. no-one will notice.. no-one cares..

after I jump..I'll meet my baby..the baby I killed..

Jia bit her lip, believing everything the voice that was in her mind. She looked at the frightening height she was on, a ten story terrace that had a fence. She was scared..but she was more scared of living the way she was living.

Dean was currently on a business trip that he pushed back to go next year because they were expecting a baby. But now that there wasn't no baby, there was all misunderstandings between them.

Those cruel misunderstandings that were distancing the two. She just wished he would understand her like she understood him. It was too hard for her because she understood him too well.

She knew Dean would get depressed if she died but she just can't handle it anymore. Jia wanted to end the pain in one go.

She gripped the railing very tightly, arguing with the decision she made. It was a battle between her heart and mind. That one decision, if she committed to it, the results would be permanent.

"don't..don't jump.." Someone called from behind her, running towards her.

"why- why the heck.. are you saving me all the time..." She quarrelled while crying as he held her arm stopping her from doing anything stupid.

"Because..i- you're special..you don't know what you mean to me.. If you jump from here..what would happen to the people who care for you..how can you be so selfish.." She could've sworn that his eyes glimmered with so much concern and love that no-one else had when talking to her.

She felt like a child while he talked to her..heck, when he was scolding him, he sounded like a worried teacher scolding his most trusted student. Suddenly, she burst into tears and he was left flustered.

"h-hey..talk to me..talk to anyone but don't do this.." he wiped her tears before carrying her in a bridal style. She was confused to why he was carrying her and to where he was taking her but she didn't question because she was too tired.

Her eyelids were heavy and soon she drifted to sleep in his comfortable embrace which she didn't want to admit was comfortable.


She woke up to the unfamiliar surrounding.

you see that knife over there? cut your wrist with it and die. that's the only way to end it all.

She winced as the voice in her head started pestering her once again. She stood up and carefully walked to the table where a knife was placed in a bowl along with some fruits such as apples and oranges.

With trembling hands, she picked up the knife, her heart racing faster at each movement. A few knocks on the door almost drop the knife on the ground.

"Jia? Are you awake? I can come in right?" He asked from the other side of the door, ready to twist the door knob open.

don't answer him

don't answer him

don't answer-

stop thinking and do it already..

A groan escaped from her lips as her head was starting to hurt a lot. "I'm coming in" The door opened revealing Eli who got shocked as soon as he saw the knife in her hand.

"Jia..we talked about this.. please..put that down.." Eli panicked taking slow steps towards her. "no..you don't understand! I deserve this..I deserve to die!" She told before cutting her wrist but thankfully the wound wasn't that deep because he took a hold of the knife in her hand.

He threw it far away before taking a napkin from his bed side table, wrapping it around her bleeding wrist in a fast manner.

Her vision blurred slightly and her head fell onto his chest. "y-you're wrong!! you deserve the whole world. you're the reason why I'm alive and breathing to this date! if you die..if you leave like this..what will happen to me?" Tears streamed down his eyes as he sobbed.

He carefully placed her on his single ruled soft bed before calling a doctor.

"L-Luke? Can.. you come here really quickly? my..friend is injured..please.."

Lisa's older brother, Luke Wilson was a doctor, he replied with an okay.

To be continued..


How are you..? Take care, I love you 💕

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