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03: When they met

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03: When they met.

_________flashback; five years ago (in Jia's pov)_______



Think! Think of a way to act normal!! Bruh.. everyone's gonna think of me as weird..well, not that I care.

Today's the first day of college and I see no familiar faces- obviously.

Making friends is something I can't do ugh. Why is it so dang hard to socialize!!!

I walk through the boring long hallway, looking through the doors of each classroom trying to find something entertaining as I walk. I mean, can you blame me?

I didn't realise that someone was coming my way and so I accidentally bumped into the dude. Technically it's also his fault I bumped into him!!!

His papers went flying and worst case scenario, I fell on the ground with him falling on top of me, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

Gosh this is embarrassing because we're literally infront of my classroom.. I'd be embarrassed for two whole years because of this.

When he lifted his annoying handsome face up, our eyes meet and something in his black eyes..attracts me..why the heck did his eyes just shimmer like that?!

And can he get off of me?!

I noticed that he was staring directly into my own eyes. I didn't know that my cheeks were flushed as soon as he sent me that addicting smile. "Umm can you get off me? I'm getting late" I told him as I really was getting late.

"O-Oh sorry.." He awkwardly said getting off of me. His voice was so soft and smooth. His attention diverted to the disoriented papers that were on the ground. He began picking them up one by one as they were his.

"I'll help you" I picked up some papers and gave it to him. "Thanks" he smiled at me once more before walking away. I could stare at him all day- I almost shrieked because I was so late for class.

I quickly walked in and everyone looked at me as if they saw the embarrassing scene. Much to my surprise, they did see that guy falling on top of me. Oh haha- well, I'd be lying if I said that my cheeks weren't burning right now.

The teacher didn't notice my presence and I took this in my advantage, sitting down next to a girl who looked.. friendly?

"Hii..I saw what happened back there..you under my brother eh...oh I'll so scold him for that! My name's Lisa by the way, what's yours?" The sweet girl asked.

Djghjrjrjf- the dude was her brother hfjtjtjffj.. how can I not freak out or panick?!

"I-I'm Jia..nice to meet you" I stuttered and I almost cursed at myself out loud for stuttering. Like seriously?



The girl who sits beside me turned out to be the most relatable girl ever!! She's cute and sweet..

She's so weird and she finds me weird too!! And we both share the same feeling which is that we're going to be the bestest friends ever!

I'm currently at my apartment right now, I moved into this place and this country like last week so it was still hard to adjust.

My mind keeps wondering about the boy who bumped into me today.

Tsk tsk tsk Jia Owens! Did you just think about him again? Oh god, Jia stop it!

I scolded myself mentally.

________present ( back to author's pov)_____

Jia sighed for the nineteenth time now and it was bothering her why she kept thinking about the time they met.

She hissed as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Her eyes watered and she pressed down the hot pack on her stomach in an attempt to reduce the pain.

She got startled by the sound of the front door of the house opening. Jia knew that it was her husband Dean who came back from work.

She got out of bed and walked towards the exit of their shared room. "H-How was your day?" She hesitantly asked, grabbing his coat.

Dean yanked her hand away making her stumble and almost fall. "Surprisingly it got ruined by you now..you killed our child, I hope I'm not next" He scoffed and went inside the room, his words left ringing in her head.

It's okay.. he'll be okay soon.. we'll be okay.. just- stop thinking about this..

Jia bit her lip as she thought.

To be continued..


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