Chapter 1: Thin Walls

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It's late and you're out of food again. So you marched over the convenient store just across your building to buy some ramen and canned soda. You're in your PJ's with just a hoodie draped over you. You leaned against the cold metal surface of the elevator and was startled when a hand suddenly grabbed the doors from closing.

In comes a couple darting their tongues at each other. The guy pins the girl against the corner railing while she wraps her legs around his waist. What's bad about this condo is the elevator walls are like mirrors so wherever you look you just end up seeing the steamy couple going at each others' throats.

You have to admit these two are making you feel a bit hot. The guy has a great body with biceps that can rock anyone's world. His butt, well let's just say they're so fine you'd want to lay your hands on them. His strength is killing you, he manhandles the girl like she weighs nothing. Totally meeting your strength kink.

You're staring, feeling hot, you even lick your lower lip at them. You're suddenly flushed as you see the guy looking at you sideways, smirking. He starts to hump on the girl while looking straight at you. What the fuck is he doing? The door opens and you literally ran out.

Where you are right now is a condo you kind of share with your boyfriend. He's been chipping in half since a year ago when he started hanging out more often. You get to your bed eating the ramen you just bought and switched on the tv.

You're suddenly interrupted by muffled moans and bit of banging coming from across the wall. Shit! The unit owners next door are clearly banging. You smile a bit and thought of the multiple times you and your boyfriend got tons of complaints for being "noisy".

No one has complained in the past months because the unit next door was unoccupied for over a year now. At least the new couple next door would understand if you and Yoongi get loud. You get the feeling they will let it slide.

📞<Incoming call from Yoongi>

📱YOONGI: "Hey babe, I'll be there this weekend."

📱YUMI: "Ok babe, I'll see you then. I miss you."

📱YOONGI: "I miss you too babe. See you in a few days."

📱YUMI: "I love you."

📱YOONGI: "Ditto."

What's different about your man is that he tells you he misses you but he never says he loves you. He just says "ditto" which means "same here/me too". That's just him, he cringes over sweet stuff but that's why you love him more. That's how weird you are. You don't have a suspicious bone in your body. You love him and trust him like your life depends on it.

Now the couple is clearly enjoying their time together. The mewls are just getting louder and the wall banging is getting faster. You kind of miss Yoongi right now. He's the only one who can make you moan like crazy.

You suddenly felt the need to touch yourself. One hand making its way to your boob, squeezing it roughly the way Yoongi does, flickering your hardened nipple with a finger, giving a pinch in between.

The other hand sinfully crawls under your bikini. You spread your legs as you find your clit and with your middle finger you start stroking in a swiping motion. You hear the grunting of the guy across the wall mixed with the moans and banging.

You move your hips to that rhythm imagining Yoongi pleasuring you. What's weird about you is that you don't finger yourself, even Yoongi can't. A finger or two doesn't feel comfortable in your opinion. So you get off with just abusing your clit.

The moment you feel that heat intensify, you stroke your clit faster and harder in the same rhythm as the hot couple next door. "Fuckkk... ahhh... ahhh." You moan loudly as you near your peak.

That same moment you hear the guy behind the wall so clearly it felt like he was talking to you. "Come for me baby..." He groans loudly through the wall.

"Aghhh..." You curl your back in pure bliss as you let orgasm take over your vulnerable body. You close your legs and curl to your side as your cum wets your entire core. You felt so used that you ended up snuggling your pillow and fell asleep.

*Across the thin wall*
Jungkook was thrusting into her tight pussy in a faster rhythm. She mewls under him like never before. He takes it up a notch and carries her to sit on his bed's headboard her back against the wall.

His face gets nearer the wall as he thrusts faster then there it was, he heard moaning not from the girl he's fucking but someone else. Loud mewls and purrs get through that wall and it felt like he was in a yummy threesome.

Jungkook has never heard such enticing moans. Is she fucking someone too? He continues fucking this girl under her like a champ but he sticks his ear against the wall to hear more of her. Not hearing any other voice from another soul made Jungkook realize she's fucking herself.

"That's hot, come on baby let me fuck your mind..." Jungkook thinks to himself. He groans and moans louder for her. Never has he done that for someone else. "Come for me baby..." Jungkook groans loudly hoping the girl behind the wall hears him.

Then there it was, as Jungkook nears his edge, he hears the girl behind the wall moan loudly as she reached her much desired peak. Jungkook didn't even notice if the girl he's fucking already reached her orgasm. He was so consumed by the girl behind the wall. That angelic voice will forever be etched in his mind.

🥴 "What an intense first chapter!"

💜 "Posting the next chapter after a VOTE ⭐️ and COMMENT... Let's see if you like this story to push through."

🙏🏼 "Thank you so much for reading my work. I love, love, love you!!!"

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