Chapter 16: Fate

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Jungkook has been MIA in the past weeks. Yumi could almost sense he's avoiding her. He's cancelled dinner so many times that it didn't surprise her when he suddenly quit texting.

Yumi took a chance and intentionally waited for him at the balcony. She was about to give up when she heard the door chimed. Excitedly she took the boxed meal.

She stood by the fence waiting for him to at least notice she was there. Minutes have passed but still no sign of Jungkook. Yumi has never made this much effort for someone but she walked over to his side of the balcony.

She saw a silhouette of him slouched in his couch. She tapped on the glass door and he finally walked over to her.

"Hey... I saved you dinner." Yumi handed the box to him but he just stared at it.

"Yumi it's okay you don't have to..." Jungkook said not accepting the food.

"It's not from the convenience store, I cooked... surprisingly." She said giving him her warmest smile.

"It's gonna go to waste, my fridge is off anyway." Jungkook said colder than ice.

She's never seen him like this or maybe this is how he really is? She's only known him for several weeks but he's never been this cold at least towards her. She was determined to make it work and get through him.

"Listen, I have an early thing tomorrow, so..." Jungkook held the sliding door handle.

"Sure, I get it... Sorry to bother you." She said, trying to hide the disappointment and hurt as she averts his eyes stepping back.

Jungkook saw the hurt in her eyes but what can he do? She's the one with a freakin' boyfriend but she seems to act single around him. This would've been easier if he didn't catch feelings.

He could easily make her one of his standby fuck buddies but he doesn't see her that way. He hasn't looked at anyone differently the way he is looking at her now.

For a while he thought he could be the guy for her. The moment he went to Jeju on a whim, he was determined to win her. After the chopper ride he composed himself to confess his feelings that night but Yumi had another person in mind.

Then just like before, Jungkook started bringing home different girls to his unit. Not as often but he still did like every other weekend. One time they were too loud that Yumi had to tap the wall as warning to keep it down a notch.

Yumi felt she was left hanging and was being ignored by Jungkook for no valid reason. Maybe she was just a distraction or just one of those random girls he gets to know then dump when he's gotten what he wanted.

But he hasn't gotten anything from her. Why did he suddenly change? Yumi brushed the idea away. Maybe it's for the best that they're not close.

At this point Yumi called maintenance. "Hello? I'm reporting the damaged fence in my unit. Can you please have it fixed ASAP?"

Months passed, both Jungkook and Yumi went on with their busy lives. Yumi's getting ready to be Jimin and Taehyung's business partner. They've planned having their own agency and call their own shots.

Yumi took over fashion, Tae for overall image of the company and Jimin for operations. All three worked in sync like a match made in heaven.

Jungkook's company got a huge funding from Japanese investors and their market value outside Korea has sky rocketed ever since. His friends have been teasing him for being too frugal/cheap by staying in the same condo unit when he can actually buy his own place.

He didn't want to move. Yes he promised himself to stay away from Yumi... but he's holding on to that feeling that they're only separated by a thin wall.

Jungkook stares at the wall and thinks of how ironic it is that the same barrier keeping them apart now is actually the one thing that got him close to her in the first place. That lustful desire that turned to something else... but failed to develop into what he hoped for.

He wishes it didn't turn out this way but fate had something else in mind. Maybe this was theirs to bear. He knows Yumi still goes out to buy dinner from 7-eleven. He knows 'cause he follows her secretly every single time to keep an eye on her. Creepy but that's the only thing he can do for her.

He was content with hearing Yumi's movements, at least he knows she's still there. But one day, after coming home from a business trip over the weekend, Jungkook felt something was off.

He hasn't heard a single sound from Yumi's unit. Most of the time he'd hear the TV or the sound of the bathroom faucet through the wall. This time he hasn't heard a thing for several days. Could it be? Did she finally... leave?

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