Chapter 4: Dream

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"This is gonna sting a bit okay?" Yumi held the medicated cotton and dabbed on Jungkook's elbow. He didn't even flinch. Wow, this guy is tough. You're treating the wound he got from breaking your fall. You're not sure how but he managed to be right there in front of you in a split second.

You inch closer to him and instinctively blew air on the wound then plastered the bandage on top.

"Thanks.." He said with a smile.

"I should be the one thanking you... and I'm really sorry for everything." She gestures to the broken fence.

"I told you it's fine." He said looking at Yumi.

Yumi hurriedly fixed the first aid kit. "I can't be here when your date wakes up so..."

"She left..." He replied almost instantly.

"Oh..." She says and sees Jungkook's regretful expression.

"... and I have a feeling she won't be coming back soon." He says.

"Well, I like the blonde better. This one felt distant so she's actually doing you a favor." Yumi says trying to lighten the mood.

Conversation with her was so carefree. After a few minutes he offered her coffee and croissant which she initially turned down but took the offer when he insisted. Jungkook likes how he could be like himself around her.

Yes he's still turned on with her mere sight but who the hell wouldn't be? She was wearing her usual gym clothes, a fitted blouse and black leggings and her hair on a high ponytail showing off that long slender neck.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was on that paper that almost caused you a broken neck?" He asked curiously before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Just a list of what I needed to do today." She replied. Actually, she's the old fashioned type, pen and paper kind of girl. She just finds it more convenient to jot everything down.

"You still have work on weekends?" He asked.

She nods. At this point Yumi is finding it so refreshing to have a normal conversation. She likes how Jungkook doesn't know her at all more than just his neighbor.

Not that she's over the top famous in Seoul, but most people do recognize her from all the ads she's done. Without taking notice, she smiles blankly at Jungkook.

"Is there something on my face?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh it's not that... I just find it interesting... I mean, you really don't  have an idea who I am?" She asked, wrinkling her forehead.

"Should I? I mean, do I know you from somewhere?" Now he's intrigued. There must be something he's missing.

"You're cute!" She says that out loud. "Give me your phone."

Jungkook was dumfound yet he handed her the phone. She doodled for a while and gave it back to him.

"She's a what now?" Hobi asked, almost getting off his seat to jump for joy.

"You heard me... she's a model. The world hates me that much." Jungkook says sounding defeated. He showed him the website Yumi herself searched on his phone.

"Please let there be lingeries..." Hobi wished like a kid on Christmas morning. Every swipe of his finger on the screen makes his eyes bigger.

On the website, Yumi appeared to be the main model with nearly all pages featuring her on every sports apparel.

"You won't find her in revealing clothes hyung so don't bother looking." Jungkook says.

Just then, an evil smile escapes his lips. "Oh we will soon..." He shoves the phone to Jungkook's face.

There it was, as the webpage announcement says... "Movement Korea Swimwear COMING SOON!"

"Jungkook..." Yumi moans his name as he pounds on her from behind. They're in the shower as Yumi takes him all in, both arms plastered on the tiled wall, ass sticking out for Jungkook.

He continues to fuck her while one hand is groping Yumi's boob and another one abusing her clit. Jungkook sucks on Yumi's neck as he pounds her faster. "Yumi... baby... you're so fucking tight."

That instant, Yumi lets out a cry of pleasure as orgasm consumes her entire body. Her wetness spilling over Jungkook's hard dick as he continues to thrust in her deeply.

Jungkook wraps his arms around Yumi's waist as he thrusts upwards slightly lifting Yumi off the floor. She looks back at Jungkook as she takes him fully. He had fire in his eyes and with just a few more thrusts Jungkook spurts his liquid deep into her core.

Jungkook suddenly wakes up from the dream, gasping almost out of breath. It was so real he could still feel his shaft in Yumi's throbbing core.

"... the fuck!" He hisses under the sheets.

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