Chapter 21: Prize

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"Let's do this!" Jin shouts out as the guys on jet ski get ready at the starting point.

Jungkook was leading the pack and everyone else was cheering on the sidelines. Yumi was nowhere to be found since she was still changing into her swimsuit.

Jungkook wasn't suppose to join since he wanted to spend time with Yumi but Jin's announcement of what the prize is pushed his competitive side.

"Guys, let's play games..." Jin suggested.

"Aghhh hyung, can't we just enjoy the day doing nothing?" One of the younger guys named Ken said.

"Yah! You just want to enjoy the sight..." Another friend of Yumi's brother teased.

"Hey, it's not like I'm the only one. I mean, even if we're not in the beach we still want to see Noona." Ken said looking a little flushed.

"Sorry about this Jungkookah... don't you worry, these boys are harmless, they're just big fans of Yumi." Jin whispered to Jungkook.

"That's understandable." Jungkook replied with a smile.

"I really hope Noona can come to one of our basketball games." Another boy said with a dreamy smile.

"Hmmm... let me see, if you join today's games, I'll make the prize worth your while... Let me check first with Yumi." Jin says mischievously.

Jin calls Yumi who came in her mid-thigh length haltered dress concealing her 2 piece bikini underneath. "Hey Yumiah... Would you be willing to spend the whole day with the winner of today's games?"

"What?... Is that even a good idea?" Yumi asked not really sure if it's a good enough prize.

"Count me in!" Ken got up from the beach chair raising his hand.

"Me too!!!" The others said almost in unison, pushing each other competitively. This made Yumi laugh at these babies.

"Yah! Let's do this!!!..." they all shouted together.

"Noona, I'll take you to the strawberry farm tomorrow!" Ken says blushing as Yumi flashed him a wide smile.

"Really?... Oh, I love strawberries!" Yumi says in excitement.

"Hey... what made you so sure you're winning over us?... Noona, I'll take you to the new theme park in the next town so we could ride the roller coaster together." One young man named Tom said.

"Awww but I might be screaming the entire time, I'm no fun to be with." Yumi says teasing the boy.

"Then you can hang on to me when you get scared." He says that with a blush that made Yumi agree with a giggle.

"Do we really need to tally the points? Our winner is, JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" Jin announced while applauding.

Jungkook was too embarrassed but the boys pulled him to get to Yumi's side and receive his prize. As the games got a bit competitive, Jin added a lot of perks for the winner and one of them was a kiss on the cheek from Yumi, a cute selfie, piggyback ride and a dinner date in Jin's restaurant across town.

Jungkook felt a bit awkward being pulled/pushed to Yumi for his kiss and a few more stuff.

"Okay! Yumi, can you please give this guy his first prize?" Jin says pretending to be a host.

Yumi inched closer to Jungkook. "You must think this is childish right?" She told him as she stood closer.

"No, actually I think it's nice..." Jungkook replied, looking at Yumi's soft lips.

"So... here it goes." She says shyly as she reached out for his cheek to draw him in closer before planting a soft kiss.

"Woooohooooooo!!!" Everyone was cheering for them as both were flushed from the kiss.

"Selca... selca... selca!" They chanted as both Yumi and Jungkook sat on a beach chair beside each other. Jungkook took a selfie on his phone with Yumi's cheek touching his.

"I can give you the piggyback ride now..." Jungkook says as they were about to leave the beach.

"Are you sure? I mean, it's suppose to be your prize but I feel like I'm getting the good end of it." Yumi said in reply.

"It's okay if you're not up to it..." Jungkook says trying hard to hide his disappointment.

"Let's just do it okay?" She says trying hard not to make this more awkward than it already is.

"Okay, hold tight..."Jungkook says as he lifts Yumi on his back and strides off to the parking area. "So where do you want to go tomorrow? I'm okay with anything you want."

"Again, it's your prize so anywhere you want is okay with me." Yumi said.

The ride home was too quiet, good thing it was only a 10-minute drive from the beach. Just as Yumi was about to get off the car, Jungkook grabbed her arm to steady her and hurried out to get to her side.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking a bit confused.

"I want a continuation of my prize..." Jungkook says as he gestures for her to hop on his back.

"Kook, seriously this is too much." Yumi blurted out.

"Not for me though..." He glances lovingly at Yumi and his doe eyes melted her heart. He lifts her carefully and went inside the house.

Jungkook headed straight to Yumi's bedroom to which she almost protested. He doesn't put her down at the door and instead went in the room towards her bed.

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" She said almost in a whisper.

"Yeah..." Jungkook replied and quickly planted a kiss on her forehead before hurriedly getting out. The moment the door behind him closed he sighed so loud Yumi heard it from inside.

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