Chapter 17: Done

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"Kook! Over here!..." Hobi shouted as he sees his friend entering his bar.

"Hey! Am I missing something?" He asked his friend a bit confused. He's never seen this place so packed with people.

"We're booked for a surprise birthday party!" Hobi replied.

Just then somebody prompted everyone to quiet down as the birthday celebrant was about to enter the place.

Clad in a classic red dress and black stilettos, Yumi entered the bar with Jimin.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUMI!!!" Everyone greeted in unison, giving Yumi bright smiles and applauding for her the entire time.

"So this is why you glammed me up?!" Yumi asked Jimin in a wide smile.

"Of course! I want you looking great for this." Jimin said in a mischievous grin.

"I love you..." Yumi said in all sincerity before hugging her friend turned business partner.

In no time Taehyung appeared from the crowd and joined in the hug. "Group hug!!!" He shouted looking all cute and charming in a vintage green suit.

Both guys guided Yumi through the crowd as she was greeted with smiles and well wishes. Actually this is more of Taehyung's party since she couldn't even recognize most of the people there.

Yumi didn't mind, she doesn't have much friends anyway and Taehyung's friends are technically her and Jimin's as well.

"Yumi let's get you seated up front for the program!" Taehyung announces in his green microphone that totally matches his suit. Where in heavens did he get that? Yumi doesn't know.

Jimin escorted Yumi to a nice couch on a makeshift stage near the bar. Spotlights were on her that she couldn't recognize the faces in the audience.

"As you all know, our dear Yumi just turned twenty... whoops am I allowed to reveal that angel?" Taehyung looked at Yumi teasingly to which Yumi replied with a zip-it sign on her lips and a big laugh.

"For those of you who don't know, Yumi started late in the modeling game but she proved everyone who didn't believe in her that she could be the top model she is now. I bugged her from every corner of the University just to take her pictures until she finally said yes."

At this point Taehyung flashed a video of her from way back. The first modeling gigs she got and the embarrassing pictures he took of her sleeping with her mouth open, slipping on stage and getting up like a champ on the runway.

"She was one of the few models I discovered who really made a serious career out of modeling. She had a lot of hurdles along the way but those didn't stop her from moving forward and up. She has a heart of gold and never fails to give her all in anything she does."

"I've seen her fall in and out of love but whatever happened from the past she makes use of them to become better. She has no bitter bone in her amazingly sexy body. We are lucky to have known her and I am very blessed to have her in my life."

"To those of you who are still curious about the status of our relationship, Yumi and I are soulmates. We may not be lovers but I love her with every fiber of my being. Happy birthday angel!"

Yumi raised both arms taking Taehyung's hands to pull herself up and locked him in a huge hug. She whispers the phrase "thank you... I love you... you're my person..."

Jungkook couldn't stay there anymore and see her looking hot as hell in that sophisticated dress. All he could think of right now is have her in his arms and make love to her the entire night.

He's a bit tipsy after a few rounds of drink but not too much that he can still walk straight. A few minutes later he went over to Hobi's office on the 2nd floor to lie down and sober up a bit before leaving. The moment he opened the door he was shocked to see Yumi in a tight hug with none other than his best friend, Hobi.

"What the fuck man?!" He charges towards Hobi lifting him from the floor and slamming him against the wall. One arm across his chest while the other making a fist about to land on his face.

"Wait Kook! It's not what you think!" Hobi says pleading.

"What are you doing? Get your hands off him!" Yumi pulls Jungkook away from Hobi and slides her way between them. Her back against Hobi while she faces Jungkook.

"Sorry to interrupt your cuddling time! If I'd known you were about to fuck..." <SLAP> Jungkook was stopped by a sudden slap on a face from the raging girl in front of her.

"How dare you judge me when all this time I never looked at you differently with all the girls you bring home!" Yumi shouted in anger. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You know what? I really don't give a damn of what you think about me, but Hobi? How dare you accuse him of something so heartless?!" Yumi says, her lips trembling with pent up emotions.

He felt ashamed for being an idiot and just wanted to hug her tight right there right now but... he doesn't deserve her... she's too good to be with someone so messed up like him. So he walks away.

"Stop right there! You don't get to walk away from me again." She pulls him aside and walks out first.

💜 "Thank you for reading my work!"

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