Chapter 20: Complicated

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Jungkook was with Keira the entire night, away from Yumi's sight.

"You're such an interesting person Jungkook... I really want to know you better." Keira chimed placing a hand on his arm.

Jungkook just smiled not wanting to be rude so he just lets Keira do what she's been doing in the past hour.

Keira's advances on Jungkook didn't go unnoticed as Yumi could see how she was touching him every chance she gets. She flashes him with a bright smile, the same familiar smile she does when he likes a guy.

Yumi didn't want to stare so she went in the house for a moment to get herself a breather. She opens the fridge and reached out for a can of soda.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Jin asked as he appeared through the kitchen door.

"Just tired..." Yumi replied before sipping from the can of soda.

"Hmmm... that Jungkook guy seems nice." Jin suddenly said.

"Yeah, he is..." Yumi looks down on her feet not wanting Jin to see the jealous monster in her eyes.

"Keira seems to have her eyes on him the entire night. Are you sure you're okay with that?" Jin asked boldly.

Jin really knows Yumi from inside out. He seemed to have noticed there was something she's not telling him.

"Jungkook and I are better off as friends." Yumi says with a weak smile.

"Is that what you both want?" Jin asked.

"Does it even matter?" Yumi asked back.

"It does, especially when you clearly care for each other." Jin replied. "He hasn't taken his eyes off you since this morning."

"He's just looking out for me, like everyone else." Yumi replied casually.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see everyone else eyeing you every minute." Jin says smiling teasingly.

"Cuz!!! I'm totally into Jungkook... he is so fine." Keira catches Yumi alone, still in the kitchen after Jin left to get drinks.

"Hey, before I really make a move (aren't you already?) I just want to double check with you. I mean, he came here with you right? Is there something between the two of you?" She asked.

"No, there's nothing between us." Yumi replied.

With that, Keira rejoiced as if winning the lottery. Honestly, she caught Jungkook looking at Yumi countless times but Yumi didn't even look back.

"Okay, so I guess you won't mind if I let him take me home?" She asked.

"What he does or doesn't do has nothing to do with me. Excuse me, I just need to go back out there." Yumi didn't go back to the bbq party.

She opted to walk away and found herself alone riding a swing in the nearby park where she used to be by herself back in middle school. Almost an hour passed and she started walking back, refreshed but still with the same heavy feeling.

There were only a few people left at the party and most of them were her brother's friends. Yumi sat in on one of the tables away from the others and just stared blankly into the night sky.

Keira appeared from nowhere... Please stay away from me, Yumi thought.

"Cuz... I don't know what to say... I'm so sorry...." Keira said.

"What exactly are you sorry about?" Yumi asked.

"Jungkook rejected me point blank and said he has feelings for someone else. I should've known by the way he looked at you." Keira said looking sad.

"Keira, we're not together." Yumi said trying to make it clear.

"Well, he clearly wants to be with you." She replied.

Just then, tears came streaming down Yumi's face.

"Hey Yumi, oh dear.... What's wrong?" Keira slid over to her side and hugged Yumi, trying to comfort her.

"It's just that we're never on the same boat. I like him so so much but we couldn't seem to make it work. Like we're doomed to fail even before we get started." Yumi said between sobs.

"Don't say that... Yumi, it's going to be okay... I mean, what's good is you both want to be together. Maybe you just need to be honest with what you feel and not let fear take over." Keira said.

"I don't know Keira, we both tried but something always gets in the way." Yumi sounded really sad.

"Just don't give up yet Yumi. You know it's rare to like someone who truly likes you back." Keira says hugging Yumi back.

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