Chapter 23: Yours

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"Hey Yumi, please stop crying..." Jungkook says as he unbuckles his seatbelt to draw Yumi closer to her in a hug. He does the same on her seatbelt, freeing Yumi and pulling her almost off her seat.

Yumi was a crying mess as she sobs on Jungkook's shoulder, soaking his shirt unintentionally. He continues to stroke her back gently while his other arm holds her around the waist.

The moment she relaxed, Jungkook loosened his grip and moves back to see her face. It breaks his heart to see her eyes welled up in tears. Good thing she flashed him a smile that instantly melted his heart.

"I'm so sorry..." Yumi started speaking earning a worried look from the guy who just made her feel so special.

"Does this mean... you're saying no?" He asked, looking so defeated and almost on the verge of tears.

"Wait, let me finish..." She takes both his hands and clasped hers on top of them. Yumi looks into his eyes. "I'm so sorry for being a mess, crying like a child... I'm just overwhelmed, that's all... It's a YES... Yes Jungkook, I'm yours."

That's his cue to pull Yumi closer, holding either side of her face and landing his longing lips on hers. Both bodies eager to feel each other's warmth. Jungkook kisses her with so much desire, trapping her soft lips in his. She responds eagerly allowing herself to melt in his advances.

He swipes his tongue over her slightly parted lips, as if asking permission. Yumi granted him access as she parted her now swollen lips. In no time, their tongues were intertwined savoring each other's sweet taste.

Yumi can feel her core burn with passion as Jungkook's hand caresses her waist travelling down to her thigh. He slides the same hand under her skirt and started stroking her exposed skin. His big hand almost encircling her slender thigh.

Jungkook's other hand diligently holds Yumi's head in place, plastered on him as they continue to eat out each other's faces. Yumi's touch didn't go unnoticed as Jungkook could feel her feminine hands clasped together behind his neck, pulling him deeper into their torrid kiss.

At one point, Yumi's hand travelled down to Jungkook's shoulder then to his chest. The thin fabric of his polo shirt allowed her to feel his firm muscle underneath. That same hand went down to Jungkook's sculpted abs and that's when he stiffened.

If kisses could get you pregnant, she'd be having Jungkook's baby in 9 months. This make out session is so intense it awakened Jungkook's member causing a visible bulge on his pants. Yumi wasn't immune to this heated union either as her insides were boiling, leaving her soaking wet.

Yumi taps on Jungkook's chest and pulls her head a bit to let him know she needs timeout to breathe. His breath holding ability is off the charts that she can't seem to figure out how on earth he does it...  he can probably breathe through his skin? Either that or he's an Olympian in breath holding if that's even considered a sport.

Both breathing heavily and connected by their foreheads, they ended up panting into each other's faces. Jungkook kisses her forehead, not wanting to keep his lips away from her. He's waited so long to do this and he's not letting go unless she tells him.

He starts to kiss her nose, cheeks, chin, jaw... not leaving an inch unpampered. Jungkook is now addicted to the taste of her skin especially those luscious lips... He eyes her lips like a hawk and targets her lips once again.

"Kook... take... a breather..." she stammers in between kisses.

"Can't... your lips... so soft... want it... so bad..." He managed to form a broken sentence as he continuously devours Yumi's lips.

Why hasn't he done this before? Why did he wait this long? Now that he knows how sweet her lips taste, he'd kiss her every chance he gets. Like right now.

"Hey..." Yumi manages to hold his kisses, placing her fingers on Jungkook's lips, sealing them. "Keep it down a notch..."

Now he starts kissing Yumi's hand. Aghhh this boy. He nibbles on her fingers, biting gently on each digit then leaving soft feathery kisses on her palm.

"Let's take this home okay?" She says giggling from the way he continues to tease her.

"Okay!" Jungkook says before planting a quick peck on her lips and heading home.

💜 "Thank you for reading my work."

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Happy birthday Jungkookah!!!

Happy birthday Jungkookah!!!

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