Chapter 33: Forever

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"You can't what baby? Tell me please..." He said feeling a bit worried.

"This... you're trying to tell me... you want us to... breakup right?" More tears and sobs came as Jungkook swiftly sits beside her and hugs her tightly.

"What made you think that?" Jungkook asked feeling all sorts of confused.

"This is how Yoongi and I broke up... but it's different..." She sobs in between.

"What? What do you mean baby?" Jungkook asked looking confused.

She sobs again trying to hide her face with both hands.

Jungkook held her tightly feeling bad that he caused her to cry this hard. "Shhhhh... baby, Yumi... look at me..." He pulls away from the hug and lifts her chin with his finger. "Look at me... look around... listen to the music... Does this look like a breakup scene to you?"

Yumi did as told and looked into Jungkook's sincere eyes then to their surroundings. She missed seeing the pink petals on the bed. Heck, she didn't even notice the soft piano piece being played on the background. She was too preoccupied with fear of losing him.

"Now will you calm down and let me finish what I started?" Jungkook asked after planting a kiss on her lips.

She nods and that's when Jungkook continued his speech. He positioned himself sideways on the bed to face her and held both her hands firmly.

"I'll rephrase my speech... You accepted me for who I was and made me who I am today. I never thought I'd fall in love this deep and never in my wildest dreams did I even consider someone loving me the way you do. You made me the happiest and luckiest man on earth when you agreed to be mine... but I want more..."

At this point Yumi's eyes were filled with tears again but this time they were tears of happiness. Yumi's face lit up as Jungkook looks at her straight in the eyes, pouring himself out.

"First time I saw you I never thought I'd even get the chance to be with you. I tried forgetting you but you can't seem to get off my mind. I know I wasn't your ideal man back then with my shitty reputation but you looked past all my faults... my numerous flaws..."

Yumi was shaking her head not agreeing to what Jungkook was saying that he has numerous flaws. He is perfect in her eyes no matter what he says.

"I see myself growing old with you and I hope you feel the same with me. If you let me, I will make it my daily duty to love you, protect you and make you happy. I love you Yumi... I will never stop loving you... you're IT for me."

Jungkook went down on one knee, gets a small box from his pocket and opens it to show Yumi. Inside is a round pink diamond ring. "Yumi... I want you to spend your whole life with me as my wife... Will you still keep me as the happiest and luckiest man on earth... will you marry me?"

"Yes Jungkook... a million times YES..." Yumi says in tears as she drops to her knees to hug him tight.

"Thank you for saying yes baby..." Jungkook whispered to her ear.

"Thank you for choosing me." She whispered.

Jungkook broke the hug and reached for Yumi's hand. Took the ring and puts it on her slender finger. He places a soft kiss on it and went back to hugging his fiancé.
<End of Rewind>

You're back to this blissful moment of telling your friends how Jungkook proposed.

"We're really happy for you, both of you..." Taehyung says with a big smile.

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