Chapter 10: Roomies

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The moment Jungkook got off the cab, he ran into the lobby where you agreed to meet him. He scans the huge place holding his duffle bag over his shoulder. He almost panics not seeing you.

You were blocked by a crowd of people. Once he spotted your worried face, he runs to you, drops his bags a few feet before reaching out to lock you in a tight hug.

You're shocked but relieved at the same time as you feel how comfortable it is to be in this man's embrace. That's when tears started pouring from your eyes, drenching his white shirt.

He held you longer, caressing your back and head at the same time. "Shhh... it's okay Yumi... I'm right here... I won't let anyone hurt you..." He says that in a calming way.

He feels your body tremble and that's when he planted a kiss on your head, not forcing you to look at him. He just stood there offering his body for you to lean on, cry on.

He never ever felt so protective of anyone and you have never felt this comfortable since the attack that afternoon. He flew all the way just because you said so and it makes you feel all sorts of emotion. Happiness on top of everything else, curiosity and guilt.

You're happy, does that need any explanation? You're curious why he did this, fly hundreds of miles away to be with you yet you're guilty of demanding something you know is too much from a neighbor you just met.

But you didn't ask him... you thought you dialed your boyfriend's number. Despite that, you're thankful he's here.

"I'm really sorry but we're fully booked, a group of tourists are already on the waitlist and we can put you in but there are no guarantees." The receptionist says sounding apologetic.

Jungkook was about to protest when you squeezed his arm to stop him. "It's okay, just let us know if any vacancies come up." You told the lady with a warm smile.

"I have a small room but there's a comfortable couch by the window if that's okay with you?" You asked him shyly.

"Are you sure it's okay? I can transfer to another hotel but I really want to be here for you." He said that in a very sweet way that melt your knees.

You don't know why but you're so nervous of coming out of the bathroom. You check yourself one last time on the mirror to make sure you look decent.

You're wearing a pink oversized PJ top that goes down to your mid thighs and a matching shorts underneath. It's buttoned up to just above your cleavage so you're not showing skin plus it's long sleeves so it's decent... right?

What the hell? It's not like he'll check you out. He's been a total gentleman since he got there. Very considerate of your comfort, asking you if you're really okay with him staying there.

He arranged the couch farther away from the bed and placed the side table to block any view of you. He had to, he knows how frightened you are from the attack. The last thing he wants is to break your trust.

He was okay with this arrangement but the moment your feminine scent filled the room, he could feel his heart racing. It didn't help when he saw your beautiful form in pink PJs as you walked towards the bed.

Life doesn't end its tricks on him when he finds your eyes locked in his. It was like staring through your pure soul but when you flashed him a smile he was pulled out from the trance that your deep eyes caused and he's suddenly back in reality.

"I'm all done..." You say timidly not breaking the eye contact.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I'm done using the bathroom, so it's all yours... Sorry I took a while." You say in a soft voice.

"Oh, of course it's fine... thank you." He said not really sure why he's thanking you.

An hour passed and it was his turn to look at himself on the mirror. Making sure he's not looking like he needs a fuck. How is that even possible? Is there such a thing as an unfuckable look? If there is, you're definitely not one of them.

"Geez Jeon... get it together..." He groaned trying not to imagine you, your face, your eyes, your lips, your curves, your scent... "The fuck!" He looks down and there it was, the undeniable sign that he's so turned on by you.

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