Chapter 28: Bunny

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"You're the most amazing girlfriend... you know that don't you?" Jungkook whispers into Yumi's ear as he hugs her tight from the back.

"Yes, because you keep reminding me... Thank you, baby." Yumi replies.

"I still can't believe you pulled this off. When did you have the time though? What about the Japan launch? God, I hope you didn't ditch that to be here." He asked worried.

"Oh about the launch, it won't be happening until next month, so you have nothing to worry... I always make time for you... It wasn't easy but seeing all your faces when we came out was all worth the effort." Yumi replied with a wide smile. "Besides, the girls helped me a lot to make it happen."

They've been on the balcony of Jungkook's hotel suite overlooking the city of Amsterdam. Enjoying the view with a glass of wine in hand. Yumi turns around to face him, tilts her head to get a view of his handsome face, and kisses him tenderly on the lips.

Of course knowing Jungkook, he wouldn't let the kiss to be just a kiss. He leans further to intensify what Yumi started. Diving into her mouth like his life depends on it while drawing her in tightly.

"Baby, I need to shower first..." Yumi says in between Jungkook's deep kisses.

"No... I want you... Now." He says locking her in against his heated body.

"Promise I'll be quick..." Yumi lets out trying to convince this baby bunny.

"No..." He says firmly. "I miss you... too much." Jungkook says as he lifts her off the ground grabbing her by the thighs, legs draped around his waist.

"I... miss you... incredibly too." Yumi retracts his lips a bit to look straight at him. "Please? I just want to freshen up a bit." Looking into Jungkook's fierce eyes. "I promise it will be worthwhile when I'm done." She says teasingly... "I need to slip in a new pair of lingerie I got just for tonight." She whispers while biting her lower lip. Who can say NO to that? Probably a saint but not Jungkook.

"Five minutes..." He slyly grinned.

"What? No way!... 20?" She bargained.

"Okay then 10..." he relplied intently staring at those lips he miss so much to devour.

"15!" She negotiates further.

"Don't push it... 10 or we're doing it right here, right now." He grunts at her in pure dom mode it sent shivers down Yumi's spine.

"I'll go with 10... Geez, what's up with you and balconies?" She teases Jungkook as he lets her escape from him to shower.

Yumi inspects herself on the mirror as she adjusts the black stockings clipped from the midthigh to her very see-through lace undies. Her bra doesn't cover much, just the way she want it to tease her loving boyfriend and probably drive him off the ledge.

Yumi finally gathered the guts to step out and finds Jungkook in bed comfortably leaning on the headboard. His eyes went dark as he sees his precious girlfriend in a sexy lace lingerie that doesn't really cover anything.

What's great about Yumi is that she can magically turn any place into her runway. "Babe... you like?" She asked him teasingly twirling around slowly giving him a full 360-degree view of her perfectly toned body.

"You have no idea babe..." Jungkook says in a really husky voice that made Yumi's insides turn.

"Oh wait..." she runs back to the bathroom giving Jungkook a great view of her exposed ass topped with a round, fluffy tail sending him to groan impatiently in his place.

"God, Yumi... baby you're driving me crazy here." He growls.

Yumi peaks through the door to warn him. "Shhhh... I'll be right there..."

Jungkook throws his head back on the headboard and massages his temples to control himself from grabbing Yumi to finally sit on his lap, where she rightfully belongs.

Yumi steps out of the bathroom this time wearing the bunny ears she forgot the first time she stepped out. "Babe?..." She calls out for Jungkook.

He looks at her with those longing eyes. She smiles and points out to the bunny ears she's wearing then turns around to show him the fluffy tail. Oh dear God take him now. He is on the verge of jumping off the bed and pounce on her.

In no time Yumi ended up sitting sideways on Jungkook's rigid thighs. She rests one hand on his chest while the other grasps his wavy locks. Jungkook kisses her so sensually it's making her moan.

His hands are getting naughty as one fondles Yumi's breast through the thin lace, tracing circles around her perked nipple and giving it a squeeze as he goes. His other hand is holding her by the nape pulling her closer to devour her soft lips.

💜 "This playful couple will be the death of me... 😬"

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