Chapter 3: Model

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"That's it Yumi, give me the killer pose!" Taehyung growls at his subject with such enthusiasm. He loves her energy, she's an entire mood. Her smiles and girly giggles make the tennis dress pop.

<click... click... flash... flash...>

You playfully bend one knee and strike a pose while twirling the tennis racket with one hand. You turn to the other side and flick your hair being all flirty. Jumps a bit, giving the camera a playful wink.

"... and we're done! That's a wrap you guys! Great work!" Taehyung gives his huge ass camera to his assistant who started scanning the pictures. He immediately goes to you and gave you a tight hug.

"Yumi you're absolutely amazing! You really set the bar this time!" Taehyung says as he picks you up in a hug and twirls you around.

You giggle a bit, flattered by the compliments given by the youngest yet #1 photographer in South Korea, Kim Taehyung, the same guy who discovered you fresh from college, 5 years ago.

You're an English major and was about to work for your parents as a translator when this gorgeous young man with his boxy smile and etherial style begged you to show up in his studio.

He took your photos one afternoon, had them published on magazines, some on websites and the rest is history. Your biggest break was when an agency took you in as the model of one of the country's top sports apparel, "Movement Korea".

You're only job was to wear all their collection and model them on the website, print and billboards. After being the face of Movement Korea you've gotten a bit familiar to the general public.

Who wouldn't recognize you when everywhere they look they see your face? In the train, bus stops and malls. Sometimes the people can get a little overwhelmed seeing you in person. This is why you always wear a hoodie when going out, to cover your face from the prying eyes of the public.

You get back to your dressing room and dress down to your usual outerwear. White tee, faded jeans and sneakers. Of course you're wearing a hoodie. Your driver dropped you off at your condo, it was a little past 2am so there's probably no other soul in sight. You take off your hoodie and let the cool breeze touch your face.

In the elevator, just like deja vu the same tattooed hand kept the doors from closing. Oh no, not again. The same hot guy came in but this time with a different girl. Just like last time he slammed her against the metal wall of the elevator and started humping on her.

You look at them and just smiled. Jungkook caught that smile and he held on to it. He made an apologetic look at you and you just smiled right back and gave him a thumbs up.

You're in your room while the hot couple get down to business on the other side of the wall. Well now you're aware that the hot guy is your neighbor you're ashamed of what you did last time so you didn't stay in your room. Instead you went out the balcony and wrapped yourself in a fleece blanket.

"Sorry I have a really early morning." Jungkook shamelessly tells his date after doing the deed. This is by far the lowest he's gone.

"I'm not gonna say it's okay just to make you feel good." The lady on his bed just got off and started to pickup her stuff and was about to leave the room.

"You must really like her. It felt like you were with her the entire time you're with me." She knew Jungkook had someone else in his mind. He may have been there physically but his thoughts were somewhere else, with someone else.

"Yesha, I'm really sorry." Jungkook finally confessed.

"Please don't go around hurting others just because you can't have who you really want." Yesha stepped out leaving Jungkook and his thoughts.

She was right. His mind wasn't with her. He thought his neighbor will do it again, get off with the sound of him banging through the wall. What was he thinking. He knew it was a one time thing.

Jungkook went out the balcony to have a breather when a piece of paper suddenly flew from nowhere and dropped on the floor just a few feet away from him.

He picked it up and was taken aback by Yumi who ran towards the fence reaching out. She almost went off the fence but what happened next almost gave Jungkook a heart attack.

The sudden force of Yumi's body on the fence made it wobbly and in an instant Yumi was falling over it towards the cement floor. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the fall.

Jungkook's reflexes didn't disappoint him. He was able to break Yumi's fall as he swiftly went over to keep the fence from collapsing. He instinctively held her with one arm while the other held on to the fence.

💜 "Slowly updating this book. This is kinda 21+ because of the smuts ahead 😬."

🙏🏼 "Please send me some love by hitting VOTE and leaving COMMENTS. I love love love you!"

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