Chapter 18: Cold

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Yumi has been too busy in the past days with meetings left and right but being busy is good. She can't let any unpleasant thoughts occupy her mind.

That night when she walked out from her own party, Jungkook didn't run after her. Not that she wanted him to, but somehow she hoped he did. It was then when she realized she should love herself more and not expect others to make her feel loved.

Like force of habit Yumi is off in the middle of the night to get dinner from the 24-hour store across the building.

The moment she stepped out of her unit she sensed Jungkook's door chimed and in no time he was there running after her.

"Yumi, I made you dinner. Please don't go out this late." Jungkook said almost pleading while handing her a packed meal.

She can't let this happen all over again. Getting close to him then end up crying herself to sleep. Her heart can't endure another hard blow, especially coming from him.

"It's fine, I have to get a few other stuff anyway." She says trying not to look at him.

"Okay I'll just come along then." He said not forcing her to take the meal he meticulously prepared just for her. So that's how bad it felt when he refused to take the food she cooked last time.

"No Jungkook I don't need you to come with me, I've been fine all this time so please just go back to your place." She dismissed him right then and there.

"I was about to get something from the store too anyway..."

"Then I'm not going..." She retreats and walks back to her unit.

"Fine, I won't come." He hurriedly raced to his unit door before Yumi could get to hers.

"Are you that stressed about work?" Jimin asked looking at Yumi across the desk in their meeting room.

She didn't even flinch, Yumi just continued staring blankly at the piles of paperwork she needs to sign.

"Heyyy... is something wrong?" Jimin goes over to her side and places a hand on her back, rubbing it lightly.

"I'm fine... just tired that's all." She faked being okay but Jimin knows her better.

"You need a break! This weekend, you and me, out of town. Tell me where and I'll make it happen!" Jimin snaps his fingers and smiles at her widely.

"I guess I want to go home..." Yumi said, it's been a while since she last visited.

"Taehyungah! Please help us we're in the middle of nowhere and our rented car just gave up on us!" Yumi says looking over at Jimin trying to fix something from the car's hood.

"I have no idea what's wrong with this stupid junk!" Jimin announces in frustration, giving the front tire a hard kick.

"I'll send you our exact location okay? Please , please come or we'll be spending the night in the car." Yumi pleaded.

"Shoot!" Was all Taehyung could say as he tries to keep his balance after downing a few drinks. He's at Hobi's bar a usual. He loves hanging around with Hobi since he gets his weird quirks.

"What's the matter Mr. hot shot?" Hobi asked with a curious look on his face.

"I just promised Yumi and Jimin I'd go get them..." Taehyung said scratching the back of his head trying to figure out what to do next.

"I could probably go in your place after I close up." Hobi said.

"Really? Oh geez Hobi that's great... thank you!"

"Yumi, wake up our ride is here." Jimin pats her cheek lightly as she fell asleep on the passenger seat of their rented car.

Jimin has already picked up all their stuff and transferred them to Taehyung's car before she woke up Yumi.

Yumi followed Jimin to Tae's car and was a bit surprised when he opened the front seat door for her. Usually Jimin would sit there next to Taehyung but this time he was giving way. Probably because she had to give directions to her place.

Yumi takes a seat and Jimin quickly shut the door to get in the back. "Let's go!" Jimin cheered.

Yumi was still lightheaded from her quick nap and froze on her seat when she sees that familiar tattooed arm reaching out for her seatbelt to buckle her up.

"Hey, let's set the gps now so you could go to sleep on the way." Jungkook said smiling at her nervously.

It took a while before it registered in Yumi's sleepy head. She sits up and entered the destination on the gps. "There." was all Yumi said before turning her back on Jungkook to get some sleep.

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