Chapter 32: Rock

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"Now THAT is an engagement ring!" Jimin blurts out as Yumi shows him the huge ass rock on her ring finger through video call.

"Ohhh he is LOADED!" Taehyung says as he snatches the phone from Jimin.

"Yeah he is... so you're gonna have to rock his world in bed tonight to say thank you!" Jimin teases. "Wear it while you do your man Yumi..."

"Oh gosh Jimin, your hormones are way off the roof." Yumi says giggling.

"Oh come on, we know you're both living THE dream sex life!" Jimin says. "Tell him his dick is harder than that rock..." He continues to embarrass Yumi with his kinky jokes.

"I am so close to cutting this call..." She says in reply, teasing both of her best friends back.

"So... how did he propose? Don't tell me he did it with the Eiffel Tower on the background?" Taehyung snickered.

"What's wrong with that?" Jimin asked.

"Oh god, don't tell me you like those shitty cliches?" Taehyung asked Jimin.

"Well, of course! Who doesn't anyway?" Jimin asked looking confused.

"Spill... how did he do it?" Taehyung asked again, getting ready to hear all about how Jungkook proposed.

<Rewind to a few hours ago...>
Well, first of all Jungkook made sure she wouldn't take notice of the "GRAND PLAN". Dinner was really good. They had steak, cornbread and veggies as main course then Yumi's favorite red velvet gelato for dessert.

He sent off the butler and when they were left alone sipping wine, Jungkook placed a small purple box on the table and pushed it towards her. "Happy anniversary baby..."

Yumi stares at the box in total silence. In her mind she thought this might be it. She slowly reached for the box and opened it. Inside was a pair of diamond earrings.

She felt a tinge of disappointment thinking Jungkook would be proposing. Nah, that's okay. She loves him anyway. "They're really pretty." She says sincerely. "Thank you babe..."

Yumi didn't go empty handed and placed a box on the table. His eyes lit up seeing the Swiss logo. He gasps at the beautiful watch and like the curious bunny he is, inspects it thoroughly. His smile got wider at the sight of what was engraved under the watch bezel

<"Loving you every second ~Yumi">

He places the watch back to its cradle then gets hold of the platinum bracelet. Yumi had it engraved with the current date to symbolize their first anniversary as a couple.

"Thank you babe... I really like them a lot." Jungkook says as he holds Yumi's hand and kisses it gently. "I love you Yumi... I love all of you."

"I love you too Kookie..."

Oh well, it's still too early for them to get engaged anyway. Yumi thought as she tries to calm herself in the bathroom. She had to erase the the thoughts in her mind.

Yumi stepped out of the bathroom and found Jungkook on the far end of the room, staring at her expectantly. He stood from the chair and gestured for her to take a seat on the bed.

"Baby, I need you to to sit on the bed okay?" He says as he stays far away from her reach.

"What's going on?" Yumi asked confused.

"I want you to listen to what I'm about to say..." He replied looking at her with loving eyes.

"Okay..." She's feeling nervous now. They've been okay so far and he's been great with her, her family and friends. Somehow this triggered a memory of her mutual breakup with Yoongi. Could it be the same?

"Okay, we've only been officially together for a year but we've known each other more than that..." He started saying.

Oh no, not this speech. This is how it started with Yoongi but she doesn't want that again with Jungkook. She loves him too much to let him go. Everything he was saying turned to a blur as Yumi's tears came flooding her cheeks.

Then she broke down sobbing, almost running out of air. Jungkook ran to her knowing she might be having a panic attack. "Babe, just relax... follow my lead, breathe in... breathe out..."

He was kneeling on the floor while Yumi sat on the bed. He held her hands and started kissing them. "Look at me baby... why are you crying? Did I say something to upset you?"

"I just... I don't know if I can... I can't..." She replied then started crying again.

💜 "Remember how Yoongi started his breakup speech? Yumi never thought it would end up like that so now she's frightened of a repeat... 🥺"

🙏🏼 "Thanks for reaching this far..."

😇 "Posting the next chapter within the hour so please stay tuned..."

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