Chapter 13: Closer

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"Hey, they said there's a vacant room available... I could have it arranged so you'll get a good sleep tonight." Yumi said, not really liking the idea of kicking him out of her room.

"Owww... well, I'm totally fine right here... but if you need your privacy of course, I'll take the room." Jungkook started fixing his stuff picking up things randomly not having any idea why he suddenly felt awkward.

"Uhm, if you're really ok sharing the room with me then I'd like you to stay... I feel safer when you're here." Yumi said in all honesty.

"Okay then, I'll stay..." He dropped everything and looked at you having a hard time keeping your laughter silent. "What?" He asked astonished and quite confused.

"You should've seen your face... I mean you looked like a poor kid about to burst out in tears..." Yumi said trying not to laugh hard.

"Geez... Yumi, I almost felt like you didn't want me around..." Jungkook said looking relieved.

"I'm sorry but you have the most expressive face... you really looked like fainting a while ago..." Yumi couldn't stop it anymore and laughed her heart out.

"Oh, so this is how you repay me for being a good neighbor?..." Jungkook's eyes widened with brows raised and an evil smile forming on his lips. He inches a few steps forward.

"Okay I'll stop... I'm sorry... You were too funny..." Still laughing but this time trying to contain it.

Jungkook suddenly jumped in poking Yumi's waist. She laughed harder while Jungkook went in for the kill. He tickled her nonstop until she was lying on her back.

He made sure not to fall over the bed but miserably failed when Yumi pulled him and started taking her sweet revenge. She lies on her side while Jungkook was slumped beside her. She attacks his waist sending him laughing like a kid.

Yumi finally gave him a break.. they're still laughing and ended up with Yumi lying on her side while Jungkook was lying on his tummy head turned to the side looking at her.

Just then they both hear Yumi's tummy grumble in hunger. They looked at each other and laughed their hearts out for the second time. Both shedding tears from excessive laughing.

An hour later Yumi, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were gathered around her bed while munching on pizza, pasta and chicken. Jungkook insisted he'd pay since he was given a paycheck by the team from his unexpected modeling stint.

"She thought I was a stalker, karate chopped my neck and pinned me against the wall while twisting my arm. I tell you she didn't make it easy on me." Taehyung said trying to look all hurt and abused.

"Tae, you literally followed me everywhere, even in the dressing room at the mall, remember?" Yumi said bursting in fits of laughter.

"Ahhh those were the days! Look at you now angel... one of the top models in the industry." Taehyung reached out and pulled her in for a tight hug.

"I wouldn't have been one if it weren't for you..." You said, giving him a warm smile.

"How old were you when you started?" Jungkook asked before having a hefty bite on his pizza.

"Oh I started late... around 22. I didn't know a thing about taking photos and I was so self conscious that I couldn't get a decent pose." Yumi says laughing at the memory of that awkward stage in her career.

"Then she was bullied... the younger models back then knew she had potential, so they ganged up on her." Taehyung said in disgust.

"Then that's when I showed up." Jimin said proudly. "She didn't know a thing about skincare, makeup or fashion... NADA (none). So I helped her through it and in no time she was a strutting goddess." Jimin beams.

"... and I'm forever thankful." Yumi pulls Jimin this time for a hug.

"How about you Kook, when did you start being a professional gamer?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"When I turned 18. I've won several solo competitions and met friends along the way. Then we eventually put up our own company." Jungkook started opening up how it was too difficult to establish their name.

To the sponsors they were just bunch of kids who should be concentrating on college. They actually did just that, studied diligently while establishing a good reputation in the gaming world.

"Now we're developing new games that the whole family can enjoy and not just the gamers. We kind of want everyone to get in and bond over something." He said with so much hope.

"That sounds really great. I know you guys can do it." Yumi says with such pride Jungkook felt his insides turn.

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